
Würzburger Augenärzte feiern Rekorde at DOG-Kongress in Berlin!

Würzburger Augenärzte feiern Rekorde at DOG-Kongress in Berlin!

Die Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft eV (DOG) divided at ihrem 122. Congress in Berlin a record: Über 3,183 Fachteilnehmende and 5,001 Besucher. The Augenklinik of the Universitätsklinikums of Würzburg is pleased to report the results of its research into Dr. Johanna Theuersbacher and Dr. Malik Salman Haider. Haider has chosen the poster prize for innovative innovative formulas with the compound Wirkstoff Dexamethasone. This new form of therapy can be obese in the augenheilkunde of the treatment of Entzündungen beets.

Julian Schwebler won the Sicca Prize for his Forschung zu Bindehauterkrankungen-ausgezeichnet. It works based on efficient treatment through the Hydrogel-Drug-Delivery System ab. Dr. Theuersbacher has awarded a prize for his knowledge of fusarium keratitis, a serious horn infection. It’s exciting with Dr. Raoul Verma-Führing: Hydrogel with the potency, complications in glass surgery in the treatment and postoperative management of the operation, was the experience of the operation that was most likely German. All these innovative answers prove: The benefits of human health have been improved! More details about the article at

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