
Psychology: Wie een Birte Karalus mich das Streiten lehrt

Psychology: Wie een Birte Karalus mich das Streiten lehrt

Streiten is for our Autorin das Eisbad der Kommunikatie: first fühlt itself one, if man shows this. We will be happy in our Kalte Wasser jumps – and will be welcome with the talk show moderator during the talk.

I’ll start with a problem: it’s going to be difficult. Früher is it with that own coquettishness, where many gewesen, that is not for Disharmonie sorge, Drama Queen, no, füsterte the internalisierte Misogynie, so a bist du nicht. Bei mir herrscht Frieden. Aber im Inneren tobt ein Kampf.

Denn: je alter ich became, desto mehr ärgere ich mich. About others, for everything aber über mich. If I find myself in a situation, I will never want to do it again, zum Beispiel. If it’s good, die, it’s a herunterschlucke. Wenn I with red cheeks and sodbrenner nachhause hehe.

When it’s good, it’s hard to strive. If you say you have more right, if you have another broader goal. As a result, my thoughts of “I have to stretch” have turned into a small amount of “I cannot stretch.”

There would be a problem with the exchange and friends with absent sisters and messages about the problems. Mein Sitznachbar Roland schaute mich erstaunt an. Er – a journalist himself – was given a chance to fight for the debate in the editorial office. Mir gets warm. Yes, shouldn’t you do it yourself? “First and foremost, man, then you can drink beer from beer. That’s the main thing,” he says. I notice who drinks the beer. That’s good?

Birte Karalus: Last our stretches!

“Last time!” von Birte Karalus, Ariston Verlag, 22 euros

© Ariston / PR

If I später a day that Fahne von “Lasst uns streiten!” has fallen into my hand, I can learn more about it. Also rufe ich Birte Karalus and the authoritarian genannten Werks. Ihr Name kommt mir kannt because, it is an evil talk show moderator, a Job, who ends up with the Spitz name “Krawallus”. If it doesn’t work out anymore, if it’s that hard, it will just end the Krawall that will be used. “I can have a nice stretch”, enttäuscht Karalus mich. But conflict may be less.

Find the Streitliesel in dir

If it is so harmonious, then it is not bad, like other stretches. If you want, if you have your own opinion, but now debate. Schneiden will have a family political discussion, which is in the Habachtstellung – and has a lot of tension on the theme. Frau Karalus glaubt, das liege auch am Geschlecht: “Insbesondere wir Frauen are on the road on a highway, who heißt: Streitenkracht man nicht. Streiten is not clean. Then there is your own Streitliesel. That won’t be the case.”

Vermeidung is de logical Konsequenz – aus Angst vor Fehlern, Liebesentzug, nicht Zuletzt aber: vor Veränderung. This may be positive. Best falls solves a whole thing, offers understanding for unexplored lives, take us further and then see, laut Karalus, sogar ein “Beziehungsverstärker”.

Is it also a good idea first, about that fear with positive experiences with exceeding the limit? I see that I have created a talk show presentation, which I can walk into and the Wand will start again. “That is the emotions that are expressed”, Karalus immediately concludes, “that we know as a matter of course”, so it is not a matter of course. Der Gegenvorschlag lautet: Konflikken in Ruhe und Freundlichkeit angehen. Wer good Argumente habe, brauche nicht laut zijn. Könnten Frauen ihrer foutahrung nach besser als man “.There is a conflict. If there is a conflict, it will be a losing orientation.” tell us about your Beobachtung. It’s not so great anymore.

I have made a call to rob Birte Karalus as a mediator. If you want a little more – in the background – you can use the Tipps (siehe Box). If all goes well, it is best to choose all settings. It started beautifully. Karalus nennt den Streit probably dropped out. There is an attack on the image campaign for the letter.

5 Tips for friend stretching from Birte Karalus

  • With Ich-Botschaften anfangen: “I have a problem, even though I could speak with it.”
  • The terms of reference are clear and you can begin to read on about them: “The most important, constructive steps are first to be taken care of. Streiten wir über dieselbe Sache?”
  • Die Sache von der Person treden – and at higher levels: “Wir können interesten, aber niemals die Person..”
  • Be gentle and friendly:I have a conflict in Ruhe in all Freundlichkeit an.“ That’s what happened: “Nobody, there is a good argument, must be aggressive.”
  • Accepting, if the man can become a little, there is no other option: “We can come to the Punkt, we will not be able to come in the same way. Aber unser restliches Leben funktioniert weiter fine Zusammen.”

Streiten starts with a fragment that you determine yourself

The best goal for me: Streiten does not teach learning by doing. The most important training results find their own statistics. Be sure to avoid a conflict. Stichwort inner Kampf. “Were there other things in life when the Conflict was true? Who would you like to be close to tomorrow, when you will be waiting for you?”fragment Birte Karalus. If you have a good motivation, it is this: in the ring.

I am Ring boxt man selten other. Jedes Mal, when the Bauchgefühl-man schlägt, man etwas sagen möchte, aber nicht tut, einen Streit vermeidet, kämpft man gegen sich. We strive, learn more, for ourselves. The best effect for Karalus: “Man with his own soul”. Leave the device on the wider stand. An Umfeld, the comfort is gewohnt, protests, if it is undisturbed. “Ihr ganzes System wird sagen: was passionert da gerade? Whoso machst du das?”

If you want to spend a long time on a small farm, this is a business bed, where and how you communicate, it has been a long time since you have been in an Umfeld, while it is so difficult. That was Birte Karalus from his talk show time with the following words: “I can go free. I can go free. And that is a matter of time, when a man has a problem.”

Nach the telephony is possible with my Eltern and erzähle ihnen of the conversations. Später am Abend streiten wir us. I am happy to be provoziert. Mein Vater grins zufrieden. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy that will train us – and it does not. Aber wir trinken danach noch ein Beer zeeammen.
