
Liebe ohne Tabus – «I am Swingerclub Kriege ich, was zu Hause nicht geht» – News

Liebe ohne Tabus – «I am Swingerclub Kriege ich, was zu Hause nicht geht» – News

Was human life, the limits of the past and the new form of inspiration for research? Verena Hug, Swingerclub-Besitzerin, never met us in a world, in the Swingen Partnerschaften bereichert, statt si zu gefährden.

Verena Hug leads a life that is perhaps now known from film and television: Gemeinsam with my partner leads the big Swingerclub of Switzerland and lives a lie-beziehung, which is based on Vertrauen and Offenheit – and that is 28 years.

Has the Menschen dazu brought out the limits of the classical Zweierbeziehung? How does it work if the Alltag in a Partnership, in the Swing cousin, is not yet active, then this is the only way?

“For my function of an inspiration, it would be better if another human being lasted a lifetime, if it were a conversation or more,” says Verena Hug. Gemeinsam with my partner Urs hat for über zehn year decided, a Swingerclub is eröffnen, der nicht nur Freiraum, impressed by an old atmosphere. “Wir wants to make one or more purchases, when the house is completed, or the Geruch or the Kalte an anonymous Begegnungsstätte,” says Verena.

Liebe und Neugier – two seiten einer Beziehung

For Verena and Urs it is no longer a matter of a defizitäre Beziehung, under an Erweiterung. «The Liebe zu my Partner ist das, was Bestand hat. The nervous kitzel and the newcomer, who can appear in my Swingerklub, can be my sister – and that is not the case with the best bond of ours, it is concrete.

The Thematic Research Civilization fell on a few, who with offenen Beziehungsmodels auseinandersetzen. For Verena, the Schlüssel lies in the Vertrauen and in the offenen Kommunikation. “Eifersucht is often a fear of pleasure and comparison with others,” he explains.

One of the consequences of this control, the fact that matters have been resolved and its consequences are fundamental, is the basis of the image. So if your partner is stable, you know you are free from classic monogamy.

Swinging like «Kurzurlaub» vom Alltag

Verena compares swinging with a Kurzurlaub: an Auszeit vom Alltag and an Opportunity, new People will get to know.

The Klub has a way of working that ensures a healthy lifestyle that is self-sustaining and completely free.

Maybe it is not the first time that a guest has a sexual relationship, then it is an Austausch and the feeling that it is here. Verena führt aus: “The Club has a Möglichkeit, both without a shared relationship, so that they can grow and be happy.” Der Reiz liegt für die Gäste nicht nur in der Intimität, sononder auch in de Gesprächen en der Gemeinschaft, die in de Klub entsteht.

A model for the Zukunft?

Verena Hug has a behavioral model that is ununderstood for many people, but for others.

With my job Verena can have a space, in man my Sehnsüchte ohne stigmatization of the costs. And so Verena became an alternative model for the swinging in Zukunft mehr Akzeptanz finden. «Das Leben ist bunt and fuller Möglichkeiten. What is nur, it is with respect and openness.»