
Plane for the TV tower – so it is a change of scenery

Plane for the TV tower – so it is a change of scenery

It is now 23 years since the Hamburger TV tower has been released. Make sure the plans are executed in a new run.

279.2 meters high, 43,000 tons of energy and an ultra-ravel view of Hamburg. Von diesem Ausblick munkelt man zumindest in der Hafenstadt. Schließlich ist der nach dem Hamburger Physiker has been Heinrich-Hertz-Turm since 2001.

Over the years, the device would be a weederöffnung for starting up the fernsehturms. Der Pressesprecher der Deutsche Funkturm GmbH (DFMG), Benedikt Albers, über Gründe voor de Verzögerung und konkrete Pläne voor Hamburgs Wahrzeichen.

We destroyed the Asbestos taxation Schloss der Hamburger Fernsehturm 2001. When there is war, a Fahrstuhl can dine on the Aussichtsplattform and in the schwindelregener the height of the Hamburg Dächern zu. Auch Bungee Jump was possible.

With a capacity for 340 guests on the other side of the table for additional viewing. After the asbestos removal and the DFMG, no new things happened. Since the year 2020 I will be a suitable betreiber.

Jeder Fernsehturm is a Unikat and finds Albers. However, the Hamburger TV tower has a unique design from other towers. With two other ways to paint is a lonely silhouette.

With the company for the new entrance to the Hamburger Fernsehturmes it is a Meilenstein in the planning of the wiedereröffnung, erklärt Albers. A new planning of the entrance areas war after the Auswertung eines bodengutachtens notnauwen.

This is very important, because the construction puts a static twist on the idea of ​​a “swinging” construction that is not embedded.

The new entrance building has a large, open-air glass facade. I am an entrepreneur who is entering into an event event entry. Insgesamt is a new entrance area lighter and vertical, its weight more gleichmäßer.

“We have a completely new plan for our future – we must be prepared to do this without any fuss! And we will continue to live in peace with all our expectations,” said Albers.

The Grundlage for the Hamburger Fernsehturms is a cost saving of 37 million euros. “Diese bleiben weiterhin Basis”, dear Albers. Insgesamt sei a combination of Aussichtsplattform, Gastronomy and Veranstaltungsfläche planted.

“If we were to work in Hamburg, we were not born in Germany. However, we were not able to cope with the same challenges for more human beings in our daily life in a unique way of thinking about building work after a learning process that would be easier for us,” says Albers.

“Wir plans, Anfang nachsten Jahres the umpangreichen Bauantrag einzureichen. Erfahrungsgemäß seehen sich solche Genehmigungsverfahren über vale Monate hin”, erläutert Albers. “Eine Eröffnung bereits im nächsten Jahr ist damit ausgeschlossen.”

We read the Gründe for the Abweichung vom ursprünglich angepeilten Eröffnungsdatum 2023 since other people who are longer after a Betreiber, during the Corona pandemic and the Ukraine-Krieg.