
Europäische Kommission started Campaign for the EU Fund for the Development of Grundrechte

Europäische Kommission started Campaign for the EU Fund for the Development of Grundrechte

European Commission is committed to the protection of legal rights in Austria through the CERV program

The General Directorate Justice and Verbraucher of the European Commission started a communication campaign in Austria, a Bekanntheit des Programma’s “Bürgerinnen und Bürger, Gleichstellung, Rechte und Werte” (CERV) zu erhöhen. The CERV program is the largest EU fund for the financing of the Zivilgesellschaft and the Schutz for the Grundrechte and demokratische Werte in the combined European Union. The program of non-nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) dabei, Diskriminierung zu bekämpfen, geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt zu verhindern and the Inclusie benachteiligter Gruppen zu fördern.

In Austria, the CERV program is widely available. Since the Eurobarometer of 2023, 89% of the Österreicherinnen and Österreicher have seen, the Zivilgesellschaft a Schlüsselrolle at the Förderung der Demokratie spielt. Since the beginning of the programs in Austria 181 Project development was completed, 34% of the results were implemented. Österreich besieged a Platz in Mittelfeld in the EU.

The Campaign is formed by the Heritage of CERV financier projects, which take the initiative for the Protection of Women and Children’s Rights, their Bekämpfung geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt and their Förderung der Inclusie van Menschen mit Behinderungen. These projects are aimed at local communities in Österreich CERV-Mittel Nutzen, a Grundrechte and demokratische Werte zu stärken.

There is a full-fledged version of the press conference.


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