
Direction-oriented ideas and brilliant ideas for the Energiewende – the nominations for the German Renewables Award 2024

Direction-oriented ideas and brilliant ideas for the Energiewende – the nominations for the German Renewables Award 2024

Hamburg – Drohneninspektion von Windanlagen, new eFuels, mobile Speicher for de Wasserstofftransport – de diesjährigen Bewerbungen für de German Renewables Award 2024 überzeugen erneut durch Innovationsstärke. The Cluster Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg (EEHH) has been installed on 27 Bewerbungen for the four technical sections “Produktinnovation des Jahres”, “Projekt des Jahres”, “Studierendenarbeit des Jahres” and “Wasserstofinnovation des Jahres”. We have 22 Journalists* waiting for the EEHH Medienpreis 2024. Nominated and selected by the jury in the section “Lebenswerk des Jahres”. The EEHH Cluster has won the German Renewables Award for ideas and innovations for Mal. The renowned Branchenpreis will be presented to the jury in the categories from November 21, 2024 at the Elb-Panorama in Hamburg

Product innovation of the year

In the “Product Innovation of the Years” section, Buss Energy Group GmbH presents the Aero Flight Intelligence System for optimized Drohnen inspection of wind energy installations with adaptive Flugsystems. Die Fuchs Europoles GmbH has founded a concept for hybrid turme von Windanlagen, which has lasted a über a lifespan of mind research for 25 years. The SkySails Power GmbH has put into service a high wind energy system for obtaining a new power of high wind energy for energy harvesting. Insgesamt keep themselves in dieser Kategorie zehn Unternehmen.

Project des Jahres

Die Lother GmbH focuses on the category “Projekt des Jahres” “race2 Cero2” is a – a project, in the catalyst for the Verfeinerung of eFuels that has been developed. The Trepel Airport Equipment company takes care of the extended towing procedure of aircraft, a return of long-term flights with a fully electric flight tractor. The GP Joule Wärme GmbH & Co. KG is located in the Gemeinde Mertingen and has a large water pump for the best heat energy, which comes in the flow from the adjacent Solar Park. The “Projekt des Jahres” will keep itself fun.

Wasserstoffinnovation des Jahres

The washing machine technology H2cycle from Apex Energy GmbH, which is based on the traditional methods used to remove pressure and liquid washing machine dust, is more than fun to use for the “washing machine innovation of the year”. The Cebcon Technologies GmbH was able to develop the standard, modular production technology for such production of green methanol to break down regional biogens. GP Joule has provided intelligent trailer support for water transport vehicles that are more mobile.

Studiendenarbeit des Jahres

A nominated Masterbeit an der HAW Hamburg/CC4E “Analysis of the Impact of Household Heat Pumps and Photovoltaics on the Electricity Distribution Grid in Hamburg” beschäftigt sich mit de Auswirkungen von Haushaltswärmepumpen und PV op Last- und Erzeugungsprofile des Stromverteilnetzes in Hamburg. Another master at GP Joule and one of TU Braunschweig understands the business strategy for the fahrweise of washer dust production anlagen in the systemverbund. When writing the Abschlussarbeit at HAW Hamburg and at the DACMa GmbH, it is the Software Aspen Adsorption, which has the Verfahren zur Abscheidung of carbon dioxide from the Umgebungsluft-abbildet.

In the section “Student education of the years”, the deferred financing of the energy supply would be compensated with a premium of 1,000 euros. Study results are important in those years.

Means price

From the heat development to the wasserstoffhochlauf is its creative energy – the 22 claims for the average price are a huge spectrum of themes of energy. Among the four best country eaters are Dirk Asendorpf with the SWR Podcast „Die Wasserstoff-Wende – Teuer, verspätet, kompliziert“, Dagmar Hotze with his article „Mit Weitblick planted ist (fast) won“ in „Deutsche Wohnungswirtschaft“ as well as Matthias Jauch and sein Beitrag “It became Light” in Magazin “focus” and Markus Strehlitz with “Allheilmittel für den Wärmemarkt” in “Gebäude-Energieberater”.

EEHH Cluster

The Cluster Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg is a branch of 280 Unternehmen, colleges and institutions of the Erneuerbare-Energien-Branche which includes the Wasserstoffwirtschaft in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. Das Cluster offers companies from the Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft and Politik a common platform. See also Mitgliedern zählen Anlagenhersteller, Projektentwickler, Energieversorger, Netzbetreiber, Forschungseinrichtungen, Logistiker, Finanzdienstleiter as well as Rechtsanwaltskanzleien. Inhaltlich cluster themes are on- and offshore wind, solar energy, new heat, sector coupling and green hydrogen. EEHH has developed the project and development of the Belange Seiner Mitglieder both nationally and internationally.