
Jugendliteraturpreis für Buchpreis-Gewinner Stanišić | Emphatic

Jugendliteraturpreis für Buchpreis-Gewinner Stanišić | Emphatic

Saša Stanišić wins the prize for the German Jugendliterature Prize 2024. The Federal Family Ministry receives a prize at the Frankfurt Book Fair in the Kategorien Prize and receives an amount of 72,000 euros.

In Kinderbuch, “Wolf” by Saša Stanišić won the German Book Prize in 2019 with “Herkunft”. The book originated from a Mobbing-Vorfall among the Jugendlichen in a Waldcamp.

‘Autor und Erzählfigur erweisen sich als charfe Beobachter des Sozialen und verhandeln die Frage, was eigentlich zu Mobbing führt. Trotz der Schwere des Themas besticht der Roman durch seinen Wortwitz“, and the jury.

Jugend take seriousness

In the Sparte Jugendbuch Eva Rottmann was able to continue working with “Kurz vor dem Rand”. In the middle of the Romans, a skater dies, who lives with my father in a high standard of living. “A more memorable Coming-of-Age novel, serious in all facets of the youth,” said the jury.

As the best Bilderbuch überzeugte “Wünsche”, a flight history from South Vietnam. A theme migration at Sachbuch-Sieger is the documentary Comic „Games. “Auf den Sprüchtenden des Afghanistan”.

Special prize for Übersetzer

The Übersetzer Rolf Erdorf works with the Sonderpreis Gesamtwerk. 200 children’s and youth books from the Niederländischen have been included in the German übertragen. Der Sonderpreis Neue Talente went and Astrid Bührle-Gallet for his transmission of the French novel “Möge der Tigris um dich weinen”.

Das Preisbuch der Jugendjury went and Alice Winn’s historical Roman “Durch das große Feuer”. There is talk of a secret love affair with friends in the first world war. (dpa)