
Healthy Essen in Krankenhaus: Köche und Ärzte tun sich sisterammen

Healthy Essen in Krankenhaus: Köche und Ärzte tun sich sisterammen

“Guten Morgen, Niklas! Here you see new Purpur-Curry-Soße, it’s the best you can do.” Armin Storm, Gesamtküchenleiter in the Schwarzwald-Baar Klinikum, lives in a larger metallbehälter.

Seine Köche was made from the Teig für Bratlinge mischen: aus white Bohnen, Zwiebeln, gluten-free Haferflocken, Sonnenblumenkernen, Turmeric, Curry and a single preparation. Dazu is mixed with Brokkoli Reis geben en die Soße from Kokosmilch, Wasser, Curry-Pulver and Rote-Bete-Saft.

“Planetary Health Diet” as Ernährungskonzept

It focuses on the “Planetary Health Diet” (external link). There are a number of fundamental business activities that can protect the prosperity of Man and the Planet in the recognition of a group of 37 researchers from 16 countries. Gemüse, Hülsenfrüchte, Obst, Vollkorngetreide, Nüsse and tall Pflanzenöle statues on the base. Kitchen chef Armin Storm has a healthy lifestyle: “Even if the man works with an industrial product.”

Clinics check whether care is provided often

The essence of the Krankenhaus: a group of Ärzten who made a hinge for a year, starts a Pilot project and finds Häuser, who works with machines: “It is a great fear to find the statistics of the weld. Man hat Fear for schlechten Rückmeldungen, es gibt Kostendruck”, the Mediziner Niklas Oppenrieder from Aschaffenburg.

Sechseinhalb Jahre is her, said Niklas Oppenrieder and a small Gleichgesinnte in Munich who developed the ärztliche Gesellschaft “Physicians Association for Nutrition” (PAN). If the theme in the medical world and practice is a problem and becomes clear, “who is a powerful treatment, is a disease of prevention, a disease of pain” Zum Beispiel Diabetes Type 2, Bluthochruck or rheumatoid arthritis.

Inzwischen is PAN for an international medical network. Es gibt Niederlassungen in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz, de Niederlanden, der Tschechische Republik, Israel, Brasil, Indisch, South-Africa en de USA.

Chance of major Wirkung

Am healthy hospital food (external link) Project take a moment at three clinics in Baden-Württemberg and in Switzerland. In 2025, the Uni-Klinik Würzburg launched Evelyn Medawar, the project with PAN coordination.

Mediziner Niklas Oppenrieder has a broad overview of the projects: “We live alone in Germany with a million patients in nursing homes. We live with 27 million station patients and patients for years. That’s it: That’s a problem in Essen, that we do today. Tag , jede Woche, jeden Monat, jedes Jahr rausgehen.”

A new goal: Zwei Monate Vorbereitung

Clinic leader Armin Storm is himself at the PAN meetings. “The recovery at one of the big kitchens is of course: We will have to keep everything in check. It will also be the case with 1,200, 1,400 Mittagessen, who work with jeden Tag.”

The new goal in the special plan is that Storm’s Team is ready for two months to come. Who will suffer the research and unintentional production? Wo kommen die Zutaten in brauchbaren Verpackungsgrößen her? And was it possible that all questions about this period would be fulfilled?

Vieles beim Kochen ist noch Handarbeit

Die Bohnen für den Bratling zerdrücken die Köche von Hand. “If it is a machine, I have a knit, a music. It is a time when I can use a label for my machine or zwei Tage to have a fruitful product. And then buy with a large quantity.” Armin Storm is a machinist. There will be, and there may be. If you are a motivated cook, you can use PAN die Umstellung. The Ärzte Organization was founded for the Kliniken Bedarfsanalysen, Rezepte and Schulungsmaterialien. View the personal personal feedback and evaluate the process.

Niklas Oppenrieders’ Bilanz nach dem Besuch in Villingen-Schwenningen: There is great motivation in the kitchen, but there is a bisschen enttäuscht über the little Nachfrage after the Bohnenbratling. Armin Storm in his sentence: if people are informed, then it is good and healthy to have the counter! Der Arzt nimmt es als Ansporn: “I am a good Mute, that is why I have a good communication and that I could not have a problem with it.”