
Todes-Drama erschüttert Wladimir Putin: Hoger Putin-Offizier nahe Moscow gotötet

Todes-Drama erschüttert Wladimir Putin: Hoger Putin-Offizier nahe Moscow gotötet

Vladimir Putin has lost his messages. Nikita Klenkow, who first lived in the war between Ukraine and Krieg, has taken her next step. Die Tat soll sich in der Nähe von Moskau has become like this.

  • Wladimir Putin trauert a high degree of Offizier
  • Nikita Klenkow is to: Kreml-Offizier nahe Moscow erchossen
  • Ermittler sicher: Mord was “planted and arranged”

Next Hiobsbotschaft für Kremlchief Wladimir Putin. A high-ranking Russian officer, who waged war in the Krieg in Ukraine, was allegedly insulted after the Moscow war. The message is sent via the online portal in a different way “Newsweek”.

Nikita Klenkow is up to and including: Putin official as well as late nights

Demnach is among the Toten a 44-year-old Nikita Klenkowhandel, a defensive leader of a military service and officer of the Russian domestic service GRU. Acknowledgments that helped the Putin supporter get away from his country are in a car in the Dorf Melenki in the Moscow region, which is an unabashed representative of the Criminal Investigation Department that “RBC” acknowledges.

Clean read?

Nikita Klenkow made a mistake

After the publication of “Newsweek” the Russian Untersuchungskomitee appeared, that is the Vorfall in the Mittwochmorgen at 9 o’clock with the right hat. Insofar as three unbeknownst emotions come into contact with each other, the Schüsse in die Seitenfenster der Fahrertür eines Autos abfeuerte, das von eenwohner gefahren wurde. “Informedessen war der Mann auf der Stelle to, während das Auto weiterfuhr, bis es gegen de Zaun ofs Hauss prallte”, this is in the Acknowledgment of the Russians, who are nevertheless avoided, the Names of the Opfers zu nennen.

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There is mention of a commotion at the request of the Criminal Enforcement Orders, the first information that remains, the Mord will be “planted and ordered”. Through the telegram channel you can pass on a message that comes through the door on the offer and the excitement is as great as the car. Im Netz veröffentlichte Aufnahmen sie, wie Ermittler de Tatort nach moglichen Spuren absuchen.

Nach Tod von Nikita Klenkow: Ermittler prüfen möglichen Zusammenhang with Putin’s Ukraine-Krieg

Here you will find more information about the todesum positions that are not possible. The Police was a nun, ob der Mord and Klenkow möglicherweise mit seiner Beteiligung in Ukraine-Krieg in Zusammenhang stehen könnte. Laut der Nachrichtenagentur “Tass” war der Putin-Offizier erst for a Week of the Ukrainian Front zurückgekehrt.

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