
I need to know these new rules

I need to know these new rules

The Federal Government changes the regulations for the Entsorgung von Elektroschrott. Particularly in Fokus Stehen Supermarkets, Discounters and Retailers of E-Zigaretten. At the Wertstoffhof there is an important innovation for the verbraucher, fire prevention.

New regulations for electrical installation

Since July 2022, there will be a large number of supermarkets and discount stores available for purchase. Of course, the Möglichkeit für Verbraucher zu machen, were die Sammelstellen in de Geschäften is now a matter of known knowledge. So you can safely acknowledge that your other handy devices, tablets or other electronic devices can also be used.

The new arrangement contains another mark Einweg-E-Zigaretten. These soles can only be used when they are sold, while they are sold. That’s hot, oh well Kiosks and fuel stations became mandatoryused E-Zigaretten zurückzunehmen. Bisher countries who often live or live in the rest of the world will know that electrical appliances are a good solution and that they are managed.

The Verkaufsstellen became thus obliged, ihre You can request the information. When the Conscious Signal is given, the E-Zigarettes are not heard in the normal house. The lithium-ion batteries used are able to solve a problem Environmental and security risks dar, so die Bundesregierung (Quelle: BMUV beim Kompetenzzentrum Nachhaltiger Konsum).

Akku-Entsorgung: Änderungen auf Wertstoffhöfen

If the brand features a faulty solution or a safe lithium-ion battery, it is worth taking a look at the case on the actual dust court. Dort sollen Verbraucher ihre Electronics can never be used in the Sammelbehälter yard themselves again duration. Statistics are personal security of the device and its sorting. If all goes well, the batteries will be removed from the device and separated.

Not in the Hausmüll: Make sure you direct the electrical supply.

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