
200+ “Entweder-oder”-Fragen für Dates, Parties en Co.

200+ “Entweder-oder”-Fragen für Dates, Parties en Co.

“Entweder-oder”-Fragen: Von lustig bis tiefsinnig

Entweder-oder”-Fragen sind – neben Klassikern wie “Wahrheit oder Pflicht” and “Ich hab noch nie” – the ideal party game. Once you have collected all the information: If you are childish in the conversation, you can turn Albert into philosophical knowledge, and man tries to buy a game or play a card.

So it is an “Entweder-oder”-Spiel

The “Entweder-oder” game is easy and quick to understand. The principle that guides you to Namur. Man came up with an “Entweder-oder” fragment and answered this way. Anyone who is on an “Entweder-oder”-Frage answer can überlassen a self-invented one. The human can get a straight answer and choose either option to separate his or her programs, while the Wahl for one is untouched.

If you can select an answer or a european dividing line, you can straighten the person you created again or play a game: in ernennen, der:die all fragments the most.

Die best “Entweder-oder”-Fragen – von lustig bis tiefsinning

If you immediately find the right selection of fragments, you can find our “Entweder-oder” fragments for a different sortiert. There are lustful fragments, fragments for (first) dates, for pairs and extreme fragments, which die below the highest point. Los Geht’s!

Lusty “Entweder-oder”-Fragen

  • Would you like more information or a visit to the Kreisdrehen?
  • Do you have a problem for a tragedy or another life?
  • Don’t feel like going to Essen anymore?
  • A piece of cake for a year or crying for a while?
  • Is it possible that ketchup is covered in klebrigem or doesn’t last longer?
  • What if a penguin or a winky giraffe is a friend?
  • Jeden Tag with a Gabel hair that takes place or comes from Brokkolia?
  • Jedes Mal, als je sprichst, een Huhn nachmachen or wie een Roboter tanzen müssen?
  • Do you want to cook something or use a standard cold machine?
  • Isn’t there a scandalous tragedy or no sock tragedy?
  • If the helium air expands or is so steadfast, if you are a pirate:in?
  • Would you like to spend more time during the night of riesigen Käfern träumen or immerse yourself in Slow Motion?
  • Do you need an arm to stop your page or stop purchasing?
  • Live in a World of Pizza or a Schokolade?
  • Do you have an opinion about Pinocchio or a man with Dumbo?
  • Jeden Tag for fun minutes you can read or fun minutes to read?
  • A month with a Superhero exploration of the Rumlaufen or jeden Tag in Badesachen zur Arbeit gehen?
  • Do you no longer want to indulge yourself or use your Satz zweimal wiederholen sparrows?

Interesting “Entweder-oder”-Fragen

  • Booker or film?
  • Hunde or Katzen?
  • Pizza or Burger?
  • Süß or salty?
  • Summer or winter?
  • Morgenmensch or Nachteule?
  • Marvel or DC?
  • Beach or Berge?
  • Instagram or TikTok?
  • Popcorn or Nachos?
  • Math or Art?
  • “Gilmore Girls” or “Sex and the City”?
  • Tanzing or singing?
  • Videopiele or Brettspiele?
  • Rain or Sonnenschein?
  • Coffee or T-shirt?
  • Series or movie?
  • Anrufen or Textnachricht schreiben?
  • Chocolate or Gummibärchen?
  • Car or Fahrrad?
  • Camping or hotel?
  • Abenteuerfilm or Liebesfilm?
  • “Harry Potter” or “Der Herr der Ringe”?
  • More or See?
  • Pre-order Nachspeise?
  • Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
  • Backpack or Suitcase?
  • Traumer or Realist?
  • Geisterbahn or Riesenrad?
  • Listen to music or make music?
  • Spontaneous signal or all the planning?
  • Snow or rain?
  • Climb quickly or jump little?
  • Abenteuer or Sicherheit?
  • Schnelligkeit or Ausdauer?
  • Süßes or Saures?
  • Fly or fly when you see it?
  • Zeichnen or top sailing?
  • Cinema or Netflix?
  • Zeitreis in Verlopenheit or Zukunft?
  • Singing karaoke or club night?
  • Arbeit or Wohnungsputz?
  • Geburtstag or Weihnachten?
  • Home office or do you want to work?
  • Return or buy?
  • Vampire or Werwolf?
  • Schifffahrt or Flugreise?
  • Horror film or comedy?
  • Waldspaziergang or Stadtbummel?
  • Nights in the museum or tagsüber in the Freizeitpark?
  • Independently or in a team?
  • Badewanne or Dusche?
  • PlayStation or Xbox?
  • Sonnenaufgang or Sonnenuntergang?
  • Sauna or Yoga?
  • Nachtflohmarkt or Lesung?
  • Catwomen or Harley Quinn?
  • If you are a washer or go through the wall?
  • More or more in the Weltraum?
  • A tag in the world or on the world?
  • A private house or a family home?
  • Bungee jumping or Strickkurs?
  • Ein Jahr ohne Handy or a Jahr ohne Sport?
  • Essential, was man will, ohne zuzunehmen, or superstrong signal?
  • Are you lying on the beach or playing Wasserball?
  • Spread all the Sprachen or play all the musical instruments?
  • Ninja:Kunoichi or Pirat:in signal?
  • Obst order Gemüse?
  • No matter how young or how rich it is?

“Entweder-oder”-Fragen fürs (first) Date

  • Frühstück or Abendessen?
  • Cocktails or beer?
  • Spontaneous travel or planning a week in Voraus?
  • Spa walk in the park or through the city?
  • Concert or Festival?
  • Indoor or Outdoor activities?
  • Coffee house or bar?
  • Theater or Musical?
  • Overload or festive plan?
  • Art Museum or Bootsfahrt?
  • To tan for a long time or not to tan?
  • Action film or documentation?
  • Pasta or Pizza?
  • Road trip to Kreuzfahrt?
  • Hot or Cold Wetter?
  • Stern scared or clouds beobachten?
  • Am I Flugzeug in the Fenster or sitting in the Gang?
  • Beach Spaziergang or Waldwanderung?
  • Swimming pool or jacuzzi?
  • Live music or DJ?
  • Rain or Snow?
  • Want to learn or play an instrument?
  • Vintage-loaded or Designer-Store?
  • Flugzeug or Zugreise?
  • Lake or Berge?
  • Comedy or Magic Show?
  • Schick or army ausgehen?
  • Pommes or Salat?
  • Back or home?
  • Frühstücksbuffet or à la carte?
  • Handwriting or digital?
  • Abenteuerpark or Wasserpark?
  • Skipping dessert or enjoying three Gänge?
  • Romantic dinner or exciting event?
  • Schwarz-Weiß film or more modern blockbuster?
  • Sushi Bar or Tapas Restaurant?
  • Fahrrad or Wandertour?
  • Meditation or Yoga?
  • Schokoladenkuchen or Obsttorte?
  • Stand-up comedy or Theaterstück?
  • Do you sit lower in a whirlpool or do you sit relaxed?
  • Buchhandlung or Plattenladen?
  • In a café, relax or sitzen?
  • Rafting or Segeln?
  • Historical site or natural wonder?
  • Fleisch essential or vegetarian?
  • Run arm in arm or stop by hand?
  • Früher Vogel or Nachtschwärmer:in?

“Entweder-oder”-Fragen für Couple

  • Career or family?
  • Security or Risk?
  • Spontaneous or planning?
  • Traumen or action?
  • Money or Glück?
  • Liebe of der Freundschaft?
  • Romantic Gesten or all-day Fürsorge?
  • Do you want to find a home or a residential destination?
  • Children or no children?
  • Do you want to relax or unwind?
  • Erfolg im Beruf or personal Erfüllung?
  • Have you spent the night or do you want to stay home?
  • Do you want to enjoy for a longer time or enjoy for a long time?
  • Would you like to buy something else at home?
  • Abenteuerreise or Strandurlaub?
  • Finance your share or waste it?
  • Do you want to live a new life or a new life?
  • Is it possible to stay young or work with another alternative?
  • Careers to travel the world?
  • Building a house or a small home?
  • Discussions fuhren or Kompromiss found?
  • Gemeinsame Ziele or individual Freiheiten?
  • Underpinnings or self-esteem?
  • Harmony or leading discussions?
  • Saving in common or getting money back spontaneously?
  • Would you like more information or find a pragmatic solution?
  • Material security or emotional not?
  • Heiraten oder ohne Ehe glücklich signal?
  • Still a ghost or a reason?
  • Would you like to know if you can make plans?
  • Abenteuerliche dates or gemütliche Abende zu Hause?
  • Gemeinsam Sports training or individual time use?
  • Bezouchen family or Zeit zu Zweit?
  • Jeden Tag working together or welding freely?
  • Long-term Soul or Kurzfristige Freuden?
  • Longer spaces or gems in play?
  • Jeden Moment genius or great Plane machen?
  • Romantic superhumans or a wasteful routine?
  • Greater feeling or intime Momente?
  • Laughter or sweet conversation?
  • Optimistic or stable?
  • Gemeinsam Herausforderungen meistern or der Probleme getrennt los?
  • Abenteuer or Sicherheit?
  • Persönliches Wachstum or Stabilität in der Beziehung?
  • How about having everything together?
  • Big Träume or small Schritte?
  • Forgotten or not forgotten?
  • Intensive Leidenschaft or intense Verbundenheit?

Extreme “Entweder-oder”-Fragen

  • A major problem or a lifestyle issue that you need to take into account?
  • Plötzlicher Tod or longer Leidensweg?
  • That Wahrheit seems, if you look back, or an escape from Mitgefühl?
  • Surrender or for a disinterested result?
  • Are you more bothered by taxes or other people who are taxed?
  • What’s one of the things that people want to know or don’t want to know, do you want to be passionate about?
  • In these darkest moments were all shared or shared?
  • A wonderful Wahrheit experience or a blissful Unwissenheit life?
  • Do you have a problem with selling goods or growing a product?
  • Betray a friend or betray a friend?
  • Is it possible to do or say something that this is not the case?
  • Are you no longer sure who could buy the Wahrheit or who else could buy it?
  • A large amount of secrets that you can expect or a large value that you can experience, what lies to you?
  • Wouldn’t you like to know if you could do that?

This item is offered with the text passage from the “Teen Vogue” collection: in the USA.