
Dalmatia in Spätsummer: Adriaurlaub between Trogir and Kotor – Reise

Dalmatia in Spätsummer: Adriaurlaub between Trogir and Kotor – Reise

By Michael Juhran

Trogir: Noch am Tag voor de Anreise vom Schnupfen geplagt, shin de Erkältung wie blasten von der fresh Brise, de von der western Adria op de Dalmatian Kusttrifft. The instinctive idea is that people continue and quickly make the connection with the jod and salzhaltigen more air on the Atemweg. It is a good idea to have a sign of a 40 meter long motorbike, that is the name “Amore” displayed and followed in the next 14 days as a hotel for 31 hours. In a few minutes the cupboard is placed in the cupboard and a first experience on the Schiff absolviert, through which the Schellen der Schiffsglocke is finally found. Captain Mario Jurešic presents his fun-loving manner for a nice lunch with his family. Schnell comes man with the Mitreisenden from Deutschland, Österreich and Südtirol ins Gespräch and erährt von Stammgästen des Reiseveranstalters ID Riva, worauf man sich in the nights especially friends can.



Anreise: Der Flughafen Split is formed by more German Flughäfen directly affiliated. The flight time in Frankfurt was more than 1.5 hours.

Kreuzfahrt: Die beschriebene Badekreuzfahrt mit

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Anreise: Der Flughafen Split is formed by more German Flughäfen directly affiliated. The flight time in Frankfurt was more than 1.5 hours.

Kreuzfahrt: The description of Badekreuzfahrt with ID Riva Tours (Route T4) costs 14 days and costs with half board from approx. 2900 Euro. Zuzüglich fallen Kurtaxe and Hafengebühren from 84 Euro pP and Naturparkgebühren in Lastovo von zehn Euro and:

Währung: In Croatia and Montenegro the Euro is Zahlungsmittel.

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A stop in one of the rough shopping streets of Halbinsel stimulates the stay to the rhythm of the second week Wochen ein: Ruhe and Erholung abseits der Touristenströme as jewels that are so often used as a great conviction. The old Passenger is clearly visible while swimming in the spare time of air conditioning and launching the Zikaden Orchestra’s sound in a country where the Duft of the Pinien and the Macchia are united with the Aerosols of the Meeres. Support the young people and the board in equipping the bathing stops at new training courses at distance swimming, stand-up paddling, snorkeling and for daredevil jumps from the main bridge to the upper deck and skiing from the upper sun deck in the valley.

Nif there is a belief that Kapitän Mario and his new Hafen are experiencing a new night. With long-term experiences, it is a smart idea to obtain a safe Liegeplatz, or wenn in it to enjoy the city and other Schiffe andocken muss. For the guests who are now having a great time, the angelaufenen Orte zu erkunden. I am a man in the commercial business who has spent Gassen in the city, Turme and Kirchen under the road, while the History of the Mittelalters is alive, as the heutige Dalmatia and Montenegro under the Herrschaft der Venezian estates and niece selected in the Seeschlachten die Genoa were finally consumed. The prominent Gefangene der Genoese war 1298 Marco Polo, the vermutlich was born in Korcula and since 700. Todestag die Stadt in diesem Jahr unter Anderem with a very interesting Ausstellung im Marco-Polo-Museum signed. In Dubrovnik inheritance man, who has followed the small citizenship for a long time, will choose the Turkish and the Venezian Herrschaft of Venezian wehrte and by Handel and geschickte diplomacy of the Reichstum.

View of the Tower of the Marco Polo Museums in the Zentrum der Altstadt Korculas. Photo: Juhran

AOur next stop in Montenegros Hafenstadt Kotor will meet the Passengers on the Palestine and Bauten der Venezianer vom 15. bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. One of the biggest festivities in Dubrovnik is the beautiful Old Town of Kotor with its cultural heritage. Both stages can be found in Schicksal’s high season. The Größe der Altstädte is the Ansturm Tausender Kreuzfahrtgäste die kaum gewachsen, and so nehmen who through the narrow Gassen and über kleine Plätze strömenden Tourist of romantic architecture leader often die Wirkung. Not that it is so great to close the distance to the city, from the medium-length silhouette of the Kathedrale St. Tryphon or the Orthodox Churches of St. Luke and St. Nicolas nor full zur Geltung.

“With the signals that they were corrected, they would produce a solid ballwork with the osmanischen Angriffe,” Stadtführer Nikola said at a run. The large camps on Kotor have not gone so crazy, it is bad that the protective Mauern after a rejuvenated Erdbeben 1667 of the Grund dafür, that the Einwohner do not lose the City. The area on land is very steep and the Karstberghänge statues are a natural barrier, neither heute to real absence. If you notice a problem, it is possible that the mountain road of the Serpentinenstraße Herausforderungen has a new dimension. First of all 25. Serpentine curve entschädigt ein toller Take a look at the Bucht von Kotor for all the scary moments of the day. After the high expectations began, a course in the Geschichte Montenegros, from the zum Museum in Cetinje, the largest Wohnstätte of the first and only kings of the countries, Nikola I. Petrovic Njegoš,berichtet began.

Zurück an der Küste tauchen die Besucher wieder in the venezian Flair des in Montenegro roads seiner Sandstrände beliebten Badeortes Budva ein. Then it is a southern point of the island hopping journey to Dalmatia with stops at the Inseln Šipan, Mljet, Lastovo, Vis and Biševo. Stroll through Olivenhaine, sample Weinstöcken and Bäumen with Granatäpfeln, Apricots and Limetten. Inland you can visit the Fortica festivities with the Swiss hiker with beautiful panoramic views and in the Bol on the Insel-Brac, with the “Golden Horn” one of the most beautiful beaches of the Adriatic on the host country. If the city is visited in Split and Trogir, the mini cruise can extend to the coast of Split and withdraw from the medium journey making a long passage for a new tour in the coming years.