
The schreibt dies Sonntagspresse on October 20, 2024

The schreibt dies Sonntagspresse on October 20, 2024


Massively more driving pleasure on the highways, fear on the 3rd sea and heart-warming against the monastery in Einsiedeln

On the Swiss Autobahnen it is still the case that it takes years, what an Auswertung said. Derweil will der Bund die Säule 3a abschaffen, was für Kritik sortt. And: Es gibt schwere Vorwürfe gegen das Kloster in Einsiedeln. It was written in the Sonntagspresse.

Mehr Stau, Bundesrätin Keller-Sutter will say goodbye for the third time and the Kloster Einsiedeln gibt es Vorwürfe.

Mehr Stau, Bundesrätin Keller-Sutter will say goodbye for the third time and the Kloster Einsiedeln gibt es Vorwürfe.

Photos: Keystone, Severin Bigler, Boris Bürgisser

Lake Stau on the Swiss Autobahnen

A sechs Stellen will build the Bund das Nationalstrassennetz. At the end of November, the Stimmbevölkerung was separated from the Milliardenprojekt, it was a final purchase on the highways.

Whoever has strongly achieved the traffic tax in this way is now a first time that the Viasuisse erhoben hat and the “NZZ am Sonntag” vorliegen.

Said: September 2019 has had the status of everyone Abschnitten jijammen um 25 Prozent zugenommen. Make sure that the product is processed correctly in the 6039 Stunden.

In the Berne region, where the Bund the A1 between Wankdorf, Schönbühl and Kirchberg will be built, the Viasuisse will be insgesamt 2178 Staustunden only in 2023. In the Basler Abschnitt, wo der Rheintunnel could be useful for entlastung soll, kamen im vergangen Jahr 2934 Stunden jijammen. I am Area des St.Galler Rosenbergtunnels 522. «Es besteht Handlungsbedarf», said TCS-Central President Peter Goetschi. “The well-known state security through the Ausweichverkehr and the well-being of the Security.”

Goodbye Saule 3a?

The Bundesraad will exercise control over the managed economy and the pension capitalizations that are being reduced. The advantage of the middle class and the good profit is that one of the results of the ‘SonntagsZeitung’ says: for people with limited resources, Steuer will take twice as long, and the gross profit will remain the same.

A Beispiel: Wer 140,000 Francs earns an alternative of 350,000 Francs, but then 6580 Francs, can have a value of 17,800 Francs. Damit will generate the Bundesrat pro years insgesamt beef a Viertelbiljard sisterätzliche Einnahmen. Widerstand is entitled to its own right. “It was a verse against treu and glauben,” said Mitte-Ständerat Erich Ettlin.

Auch FDP-Nationalrat Andri Silberschmidt said: “We were able to enjoy a strong positive relationship, we were able to achieve the hintergangs.” In the SP the man started the «Abschaffung der Steuersparvehikel für Reiche».

The planted reduction of the regulation of sales in the alternative, ground legend changes. Experts coming out of the closet, the money we will earn in the coming years is no longer reliable from a scientific perspective. We were subordinate to Cantons in Zurich, Waadt and Tessin der Fall, we could use the cantonal Steuer privileges in a small way.

Schlechte Haltung von Pferden: Harte Vorwürfe v Kloster Einsiedeln

Der Marstall is the most important European Gestüt. Since last year, Einsiedler Pferde (Einsiedler Pferde) has been sighed here. Schweizweit galt is like Vorzeigestall. If the institution has a problem with the Tierhaltung, which investigates «SonntagsBlick».

More Pferdehalterinnen messages on Missstände. “My Pferd warkrank, lahmte, aber erhielt keine Medikamente,” said an Auskunftsperson. Another says: «Sie gassen, mein Pferd zu füttern und auszumisten», en ergänzt: «This is a poor grim ab.» If you are concerned with the analysis of the Kloster-einsiedeln, you have no response. Also, there are more stables and other stables available from Missing Ständen.

If you want to publish herbs after a message in an «Einsiedler Anzeiger», you can show the monastery on Facebook a postponed stellungnahme. See below: «Entgegen gewissen Gab zu jeder Zeit während der Übergangsphase genügend Know-how and Experience for the Leitung des Marstalls. Make sure the Tierwohls come out of the closet. If you don’t have any bean settings.»

Dokumente oder unangemeldeten Controlle vans Veterinärdienstenes End April 2023, die der Zeitung previous, demnach said: Die Pferde hatten zu wenig Platz. The veterinary service ensures that the Kloster receives the Auslauffläche in the aging population.

From 2024 it will be a more controlled inspection, the veterinary service will go further. Things are going well at Tierhaltung. De Leiter Verwaltung Kloster Einsiedeln, streitet auf Anfrage von SonntagsBlick jegliches Fehlverhalten ab: «The tortious act that affects Tierwohl has stopped and has no Grundlage whatsoever. Der Betrieb ist züglich Tierhaltung und Tierwohl in sehr guter Verfassung.»