
London: Magical Momente in Covent Garden

London: Magical Momente in Covent Garden

1. Neal’s Yard: A Farbenspektakel

Hidden in one of the unprotected Seitenstraße lies Neal’s Yard, a vista of Paradise with roped Gebäuden. In the charming Innenhof you will find restaurants and alternative boutiques. When it is perfect, the Trubel is a flyer and a fresher child.


  • Herbstliche getränke you will find a warm turmeric latte or aromatic tees with zimt and ingwer in the small cafés of Neal’s Yard. The next question is a matter of 26 Grainswhen you start the Tag with life and the season, the most begins.
  • I am winter walking myself Neal’s garden in a festive oasis with beautiful fairy lights and decorations. Gerade in the previous night resembles a thought, an atmosphere that is genius and in the small drawers Night-time gifts you can find.
  • Architektur- und Geschichtsliebhaber can lead a single Führung through that time Masonic Hall teilnehmen. The latter can be considered a jewel that has fascinated London over the centuries. All internal status with Marmor and Holz is one and the same.

2. St. Paul’s Church: Die Kirche der Schauspieler

The “Actors’ Church”, which is probably being created, is an oasis in the Ruhe in Herzen von Covent Garden. Abseits vom Touristenrummel can relax here in the small garden. Particularly exciting: In the Church there are regular theater performances, where local talent can be experienced. Here you will find Kultur auf Ruhe – a unique combination.


  • From 5. October to 7. December 2024 can give a boost to the classic musical hits, which will undergo a live Streichquartett live at Kerzenlicht. Make sure you vacuum up the device Musicals heard bekannte Stücke wie Les Miserables and Wicked. The combination of the wonderful beauty of the church and the sanctuary provides an unparalleled experience
  • Ab dem 14. Dezember found the conviction Christmas Candlelight Concert stat. These festive reliefs can lighten the mood of the spirit. Perfect, even if you are in a new state of mind.
  • On November 13, 2024 you can make a special inspection Shakespeare’s Macbeth experience. This production connects classical theater art with more modern musical Untermalung.​

3. London Transport Museum: Zeitreise auf Schienen

Thats London Transport Museum it is a fascinating period in which the history of London’s transport network is described. It is no longer for tourists, but for a unique highlight. People can connect and interactively equip original U-Bahn wagons, which go beyond families with childish interesting things. A secret tip is in the Museum Shop with Außergewöhnlichen souvenirs – of historical posters with retro designs.


  • Während der Wintermonate, the museum offers a family-friendly exhibition with interactive Bastel- and Geschichtstunden for children up to a fun year. These Sessions find a best free time and provide a great opportunity for the family, in winter.
  • Die Hidden London Tours given the Möglichkeit, in the secrets of the city simplicity, still preserved U-Bahn stations and historic shelters. These geführten Touren are perfect for those things, dying das Londoner Verkehrsnetz aus all new Perspective experiences.
  • In the Museum Shop you will find special articles about clothing and accessories with Londoner Verkehrsmotiven.

4. Seven dials: Historical Flair with modern features

Seven Dials is a knob punkt, one of the most exciting, offering a perfect solution for history and modern times. Einst ein Ort der Armut, ist Seven dials an elegant foursome is an individual creation and a paradise for liars, a fashion and design laden. Here you will find a man who found Schätze Vintage Boutiques and manual Schmuck.


  • On November 12, 2024, I will walk the Roads of Seven Dials in a fun-filled Winter Wonderland. Die Lichter creates a festive atmosphere, perfect for a relaxing spa or a fun shopping trip.
  • Seven Dials Winter Festival – This is a likely festival where you can enjoy more festive activities. There are live broadcasts, with gospel music and brass bands, workshops with kränze bonding and glittering makeovers. In the street you will find the stand with heißem Punsch, matured Maroons and white Leckereien.

5. Anniversary Market: A Secret Tip for Treasures

Der Anniversary market offers an antique, vintage style and unique souvenirs. In addition to noticing the Wochenend market, Sammlerstücke often makes finds – from selected schallplatten to his other London Street paintings. The atmosphere is beautiful and the human being can last for a breathtaking amount of time.


  • Montags findet der Antiques and Sammlermarkt stat. Here can be a breite Auswahl and antique Stücken entdecken, von Möbeln bis in his Kunstwerken, Zilverwaren und oder Büchern.
  • Leisure services at the Allgemeinen Markt, where everything from Kleidung über Pflanzen is available Souvenirs and handicrafts was purchased.
  • Am Wochenende wanders around the Markt in an Arts and Crafts Market, including handmade products such as Schmuck, Kerzen, Gemälde and others creative products endecken chance.

6. Mr. Fogg’s Tavern: delicious cocktails and Victorian flair

London is one of the best options for Bars and Covent Garden. A special visit to Bar ist „Mr. Fogg’s tavern“. The Bar is traditional in style and offers a large platter and excellent cocktails. Here you will find a man sitting in an abenteuerroman, making a decorative decoration.


  • Jeden Donnerstagbend ab 20:31 Uhr lädt man here zum geselligen Mitsingen traditionaleller Cockney-Lieder ein.
  • Jeden Sonntag can be a delicious Sunday Roast genius, complete with all the Beilagen and an einzigartige Mr. Fogg’s Twist. Perfect for a gem Mittagessen and a quiet Wintertag!
  • Mr. Fogg’s Tavern turns into a festive oasis in winter with seasonal decorations and delicious Christmas cocktails. Business operations are weaker, which will play an important role in the coming years.

In the courtyard, hidden bars or historic Orte – Covent Garden you can eat more, if you can get away with it on the first glance.