
Waldshut-Tiengen: Learn Mangas and Spanish at Tapas Essentials: Here Kultur cool in Szene is established

Waldshut-Tiengen: Learn Mangas and Spanish at Tapas Essentials: Here Kultur cool in Szene is established

A culture that is so extraordinary and valuable is cool that Sarah Heydeck and Vanessa Wiesmann’s parents are being used. They are both Lehrerinnen and the Waldshuter Justus-von-Liebig-Schule and have initiated and organized their Schule an “Abend der Kultur”. Dies mit greater Unterstützung des Kollegiums, des Landkreises Waldshut (Schulträger) and greater sponsorship.

Legacy: Marco Junge, Schulleiter der Zeppelin Gewerbeschule Konstanz (from left) and Vanessa Wiesmann (organizer), Andreas Ackermann ...

Followers: Marco Junge, Schulleiter of Zeppelin Gewerbeschule Konstanz (from left) and Vanessa Wiesmann (Organizer), Andreas Ackermann (Schulleiter) and Sarah Heydeck (Organizer) are friends with the tollen Verlauf of the “Abend der Kultur”. | Image: Ursula Freudig

With the professional development of culture, the Liebig-Schule can be a cooler, more creative and more sympathetic cultural überzeugt. The Resonanz War is good. Hunderte von Besuchern aller Altersgruppen Powers am Freitagabend von 18 bis 23 Uhr at der Schule a lebendigen Treffpunkt.

In all Räumen it is worth starting

In the Foyer the class is on the printed stock – gab es jedecken, erleben und genießen: Music, Kunst-Photo- und Video-Ausstellungen, Vorträge, Vorführungen und Workshops are in de Mittelpunkt des Programms.

It could be interesting


Thus the war between culture and the Justus-von-Liebig-Schule

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External Künstler und Könner die Linoldruck-Künstlerin Talinolou or de Yoga-Lehrerin Ingrid Hirzle, Vereine wie Alt Waldshut und de Schachgemeinschaft Waldshut-Tiengen, ehemalige Schüler und vor allem, much Lehrkräfte der Liebig-Schule, stand behind de Angeboten.

Partie: Niklas plays against Konrad Schönherr, Vorsitzender Schachgemeinschaft.

Partie: Niklas plays against Konrad Schönherr, Vorsitzender Schachgemeinschaft. | Image: Ursula Freudig

When a craft beer tasting comes to an end, interest is greater. The Lehrerin Verena Hoppmann führte in de Kunst van de Bierbrauens een en een hat in de Vorfeld der Veranstaltung sisterammen with Kollegen sechs Biere with verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen gebraut, de costumeet en bewertet were konnten.

Beer tasting: At Lehrerin Verena Hoppmann you give tips to beer brewers and cost tests for home-brewed beers. Image: Ursula...

Beer tasting: At Lehrerin Verena Hoppmann you give tips to beer brewers and cost tests for home-brewed beers. Image: Ursula Freudig | Image: Ursula Freudig

Take a look at a “Sumi Ink Drawing Party”, while the communal large banners with Japanese tones are an imposing mixed standard. There will also be a Pub Quiz with new teams and a Spanish Crash Course, both of which will be ordered in the Spanish Landesprache in Essen and will also provide service.

Good Luck: This is my Spa with “Espanol con tapas, einem Spanish Crash Course with Sales. Image: Ursula Freudig

Good Luck: This is my Spa with “Espanol con tapas, einem Spanish Crash Course with Sales. Image: Ursula Freudig | Image: Ursula Freudig

Was there a cultural bend outside of music?! This is where the Justus-von-Liebig-Schule finds its music: the international jazz singer Anne Czichowsky & Friends, a Streichquartett and several bands and soloists among the Abend-über.

Music genre: The international jazz singer Anne Czichwosky & Friends at ihrem Auftritt in the Justus-von-Liebig-Schule.

Music genre: The international jazz singer Anne Czichwosky & Friends at ihrem Auftritt in the Justus-von-Liebig-Schule. | Image: Ursula Freudig

So the power of culture was hungry and sustainable – after the wide range and the four Food Trucks and Getränkeständen for and in the Schule, which stimulates it. Always mittens, the teacher of the Liebig-Schule Andreas Ackermann.

Konzentratie: Emelie (left) and Lisa at Linoldruck.

Konzentratie: Emelie (left) and Lisa at Linoldruck. | Image: Ursula Freudig

Signal Fazit: “I am a very smart person, so we were able to live with them and were so happy to be there, and they would not even be so involved. Lehrer-Kollegium learning.”

View the image of the culture here.

It could be interesting


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