
We were born Chris Hoy in less than four years

We were born Chris Hoy in less than four years

Grossbritanniens Bahnrad-Legende Sir Chris Hoy hat Details zu signal Krebserkrankung öffentlich gemacht. As the Bahnrad-Olympiad mentioned to the ‘Sunday Times’ in an interview, the prostate status is in the final stadium and the Krankheit is not good. If there is a shot for 48 years, then it is a matter of living from two to four years.

“So die nature”

No matter how long it takes for a war to happen in February, it will be a year before a war is diagnosed. The Prostatakrebs are sich auf seine Knochen ausgebreitet, so Hoy. These days Tumore in der Schulter, im Becken, in der Hüfte, Wirbelsäule and in der Rippe are opened. “So unnatural it is, so is nature,” said Hoy. “Everything was born and everything died, and that is now part of the processes.” There has been a lot of positive development. “That is bigger than the Olympic Games. It’s bigger than anything else. It is true that life is about treasure and happiness is about finding.”

Hoy won a small gold medal in several sprint disciplines at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, 2008 in Beijing and 2012 in London. The war started in 2009 due to Queen Elizabeth II’s damage. zum Ritter is gegeschlagen and dare to meet Sir Chris Hoy.