
Grünen-Parteitag – Bayerns Grüne wollen den Neustart – Bayern

Grünen-Parteitag – Bayerns Grüne wollen den Neustart – Bayern

Würzburg (dpa/lby) – The Bayerischen Grünen atmen durch: Katharina Schulze, personifizierte Hoffnungsträgerin der Umweltpartei zmindest in Freistaat, ist wieder zurück on the political stage. If the child has been busy for a while, you can take a baby break.

With the front fraud that turns the Zuversicht upside down: Schluss with Schlech performance and the Bashing of Konkurrenz, “#Neustart” lautet de Devise, which takes center stage on the Parteitag stage. The Landesdelegiertenkonferenz am Wochenende in Würzburg will be for the Bayerischen Grünen der Auftakt for the Kampf zurück in the Herzen and Köpfe der Wähler.

“We are still alive today,” said Schulze with a look at the Bundestagswahl 2025. After all, the green ones will be the best for the future.

No need to weld longer steps

People no longer want green politics, even if the Federal Government, to continue for a long time, but one savior after the others in the Würzburg Congress Centers. The Leistungen der Grünen must be established in the Mittelpunkt in order to generate the pressure of Fake News and political competition.

Due to the enormous amount of energy that ends the Russian gas crisis, the stimulation of humanity in the debate becomes a long-term migration control.

Anyone who goes on the road in the many other Wahlergebnisse and Schlechter environment services says that this is a trap at the Parteitag. The Greens must more than once ausrichten the Grundwerten and wenger the mainstream of the Wort reason, heißt is in an Antrag, then aber letztlich deutlich abgeschmettert wird. Man would never betray his Ideal, said Katharina Schulze. “Aber auch nicht in Schönheit sterben.”

Schwierige Eenigung

It is time to open up the tensions within the tensions, as the debate about the transition to migration begins. Kurze Zeit dries in Bayern der alte Flügelstreit bij de Grünen wieder aufzubrechen. There is still no question of fair participation in the party of Gisela Sengl and Eva Lettenbauer, because they can enjoy a broader battle in the night session, so that they can discuss longer about some of the cooperation with the opposing party.

In the debate in the Wochenende debate, a Dutzend Redner from the Spannungsfeld has made a human humanitarian turn with flühteten of a few things and a pragmatism in the integration of a large Zahl of other asylum seekers.

Wollen de Grünen de Partei van de Willkommenskultur sein? “Flucht ist kein Verbrechen”, said the Bundestagsabgeordnete Manuela Rottmann. Or is the pragmatic Kraft paper on the municipality’s website, in the Turnhallen fehlen and the Wohnraum quality true? The Parteitagsbeschluss come letztlich both Seiten zu ihrem Recht. “Menschlichkeit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit – Für Integration und Ordnung” is a Solomonic weighted antragstitle.

Gegner Soder

More a bit herrscht with the Grünen, if it is a Gegner. Markus Söder’s name fell on the Green Party, which was founded as von Robert Habeck, making the Kanzler candidates of his own Party possible. The Union has unbridled the Kris, it has ended up in an absolutized Leitantrag. The Greens würden the Problemberg jetzt abtragen.

The Green Bashing fortress law will leave the Party with more entgegensetzen. “We will continue to be content for a long time, but we will still be able to reflect on it and we will continue to enjoy it!”, said Katharina Schulze and herself in Selbstkritik. Damit will soon be happy with the fun for a new year, happy party for the party in Würzburg.

“You can’t light a fire without a spark” – Schulze stimulated with the beeindruckender Stimmsicherheit die Liedzeile eines Hits by the American altomeister Bruce Springsteen. Some of the action comes in handy if you don’t want to hear the title of Springsteen Songs in the Sinn: “Dancing in the Dark.”

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