
Van der Bellen: Start for the first Austro-Ampel

Van der Bellen: Start for the first Austro-Ampel

Three Party Chefs at Van der Bellenkommt during the last week of the Regierungsauftrag an ÖVP-Chef Nehammer?

Endless History? After they have played the game on the Wahl, the arrival of the Schickswoche for a new Regierung – the largest duration of the Weichen in Richtung Verhandlungen über an “Austro-Ampel” by the ÖVP, SPÖ and Neos is proposed – fix ist a solution on the keineswegs.

Battle upon battle. Ab Montag, 1.30 pm, starts with FPÖ-Obmann Herbert Kickl becomes one of the chefs of the larger partei of the Klinke of the tape tent in the Hofburg almost in hand. At 3 p.m. Karl Nehammer of the ÖVP will follow, and at 4.30 p.m. the SPÖ President Andreas Babler will join Alexander Van der Bellen.
Brightness. The president has demanded ‘Clarity’ – and a ‘Patt’ after the Wahl konstatiert. In the past, the Wahlsieger – also Herbert Kickl with the FPÖ – had a partner, a director of his photos.

Zwei Absagen. Nun, the war could have been wesen after the Wahl, but Nehammer as Babler would have done the ephemeral thing and made clear his protocol. This will be a personal contact with the Montag VdB. The ÖVP became a nuisance with Kickl koals. And the SPÖ is rapidly outpacing the FPÖ.

Kickl will Auftrag. Kickl’s announcement of a coalition with the FPÖ as “People’s Chancellor” will be that he, with his 57 mandates in the National Council, will be alone. There braucht lessestens 92 Sitze, also connected to ÖVP or SPÖ as a Partner. Zwart der FPÖ-Chef an offiziellen Regierungsauftrag, in der Hoffnung, de ÖVP in Koalitionsverhandlungen zu können.

VdB gegen leere Kilometer. But the Fallen power in VdB is not. It’s a “few kilometres”, so the president is worried.
Nehammer ben Zug. The chef at the Hofburg also dared to play in the Richtung des Zweitplatzierten – and that is the ÖVP with Karl Nehammer.

Regierungsauftrag? Because Nehammer has made an official registration or vermuten as an Insider, other people will be helped – the war is not offensive. Erwartet wird, dass VdB in de Lauf der Woche Klartext spricht und de Startschuss voor de first Dreier-Koalition geben wird. If all goes well, it will be the first time that the coalition agreements have been implemented very well.