
Pilot project Four-Day-Woche: Was wed and was not

Pilot project Four-Day-Woche: Was wed and was not

Manuela Lohse, Geschäftsführerin at the Innungsverband des Bäckerhandwerks Sachsen, is concerned about the Vorstellung an Schließtages für Bäckereien. It is good that people are now starting to frolic, that they are free and that the man cannot make a kitchen for the Wochenende kaufen, but that there is no Brötchen and no Brot.

Suppose it is so, free time is free. Freitag würden sie keinen Kuchen fürs Wochenende kaufen können, keine Brötchen, kein Brot.

Manuela Lohse
Innungsverband Bäckerhandwerk

Weniger is naturally one of the people who has more work-life balance and the well-known love. The Four Days Week is a good idea – but reality is often different. There are a lot of fun, there are a lot of crazy things, there are a lot of people who are sick. Those others, who are becoming lighter, must receive compensation. Concrete, the red man has not been to a Four Days Week, the Kollegen have become longer.

Handwerkskammer does not see a universal solution

Ähnlich fell the Einschätzung der Handwerkskammer Magdeburg aus. As you get older, the Four Days Marches are a universal release for handicrafts. A condensation of the working hours into four days is intended for the description, in particular for those who are young with good physical health and who will be subject to family obligations and tax.

Noticing the spending in the craft, you can gain all the skills and/or use your financial playground equipment not yet, one of the best things you can do to improve your work and product development.

A condensation of the working hours into four days is intended for the description, in particular for those who are young with good physical health and who will be subject to family obligations and tax.

Handicraft Chamber of Magdeburg

Pflegekrafte am Limit

While the Pflege is a Bereich, in general the Arbeitszeit zu reduzieren, says Isabell Halletz, Geschäftsführerin at the Arbeitgeberverband Pflege. In the following years there might be more care in Rente, and many workers in Teilzeit. It is therefore necessary to consider who the Four-Day Week at full Lohnausgleich can be at all. It is necessary to include the benefits of cared for persons. Halletz is bad, the Pflege is relatively small.

You can view the benefits of well-behaved persons.

Isabel Halletz
Arbeitgeberverband Pflege

Skepticism in the Construction Industry

In the Bauindustrie ebenfalls Herrscht Skepsis. Tim-Oliver Müller, Geschäftsführer at the Verband der Deutschen Bauindustrie, said that the man in Deutschland would not be able to build many homes and improve infrastructure, but the product would be installed in the country for the high quality of the product.

Müller further said: “There is a gross domestic product that has been put on the market. I cannot imagine, but with new working conditions in producing products and the end of the home, it may be that a company has such a large, high cost makes.

Changes in working conditions for more play space

More flexible working hours are also possible, due to the rates with the work, says Müller. Play more music with rain and snow. The backup and craft skammer will be worth it, if the labor market timetable is adopted, soft drinks are more of a toy for the creative sector. In all branches there is a single bet, the Four Days Week has been renamed, so the Messages – aber allgemein now a Modell von fell, the discussions were made.