
Western Front 1944: The Completely Verrückte Schlacht in Aachen

Western Front 1944: The Completely Verrückte Schlacht in Aachen

The German city commander of the Western German Großstadt knew, that is a lost position. My melodramatic funk spüchen are certainly an advantage – and offer the historical Bausubstanz of the früheren Metropole.

For example, a Niederlage description could be: “In Aachen we stop in the West and North part of the city after which we will be able to take part in the assessment and we will be able to move on”, reported the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht on October 22, 1944 and the Spitzen des Dritten Reiches. The tag was, among other things, about Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, who proposed a new military surrender of the chefs’ diktat on the secret night before the night of the jewels.

There are assistants in the early morning of October 23: “Die Erlebnisse, the English and American nerd with impetuous Truppen and insonderere with the Bevölkerung in Aachen has had a tremendous power, has had a good reformerufen. Man erklärt, that man again both the Soldiers nor both of the German Zivilbevölkerung irgendeine Spur von nachgiebiger Haltung finde.”

This warning may be displayed in some way – there are no more messages – the messages are sent to all English media, which contain a different rundfunkender. Goebbels further dictates: “The bishops in England have no longer called the Nazis and anti-Nazis to justice.” It may be that sin is overcome after the “total criticism,” but that is positive.

With the Wirklichkeit this Darstellung can no longer be beat. This happened on October 21, 1944, a Samstag, officially officially capitulated at 12:05 p.m. Oberst Gerhard Wilck. Anschließend war of the last German Stadtkommandant von Aachen with the remains of signaler 246. Volksgrenadierdivision and weiterer Verbände in Kriegsgefangenschaft gegangen.

After the indirect message from the commander of the 26 US Infantry Regiments, Lieutenant Colonel James T. Corley, Wilck must have started with the three-glass Whiskey cap before the capitulation surveillance was completed. Anyway, it is a matter of the state of affairs of the Americans, “strictly refused”, as erster deutscher Offizier op deutschem Boden-bedingungslos aufzugeben. There was fear, it was then with the passion of the family, which never lived in Aachen, that Wilck was born.

It is possible that the NS Regime is one of the most important officials who addresses the NS Regime in the Kriegsgefangenschaft, so that the middle of the Sippenhaft can be engraved. In 1944, news broke out about the fall of General Walther von Seydlitz-Kurzbach and Friedrich Paulus, both of whom capitulated in Stalingrad. If Paul says that this is not the case, the personal situation of the two families of the Gestapo is a fact.

Days where the last Stadtkommandant von Aachen Vorsorge met versucht: „Wilck was a Master of the Heroic Radio Spruchs“, urteilt der Zeithistoriker Klaus-Dietmar Henke in seinem Standardwerk „Die amerikanische Besetzung Deutschlands“ (1996). Davon got another one from the Funkspruch, on October 21st. October absetzte: “Nach verissenstem Ringen, Haus um Haus, Mann um Mann hat die Kampfgruppe Aachen letzte Munition verschossen, Wasser und Verpflegung aufgebraucht. Remains of the Defender of the German Kaiserstadt Stehen im Nahkampf. Im Gefechtsstand Funkgeräte zur Sprengung vorbereitet. For its gilded letter Gruß in an unschütterlichem Glauben and our Recht and our Sieg we can use deutschen Heimat. Let the Führer live!”

The following sound of the previous radio message: “Letzte Verteidiger Aachens commemorate ihrer geliebten deutschen Heimat im festen Vertrauen auf unseren Endsieg en spenden an das Winterhilfswerk 10,468 Reichsmark. We will fight again.” Another day was on October 19, 1944, when he gave up his soldiers’ duty to fulfill their obligations and said that they would have to “remain in good faith and endure the loss of life.”

Henke takes stock of these and other observations of the city commanders: “We are willing to take a closer look at our thoughts.” The price that will follow all the historical core of the tradition of the German King: “The city is such a Roman ruin, but different from it.” Ruin fehlt ihr die Anmut allmählichen Verfalls“, here is in einem on the 20. October datedierten Message from the American 1. Infantry Division, according to the 26. Infantry Regiment group: “The end of Aachens is so plötzlich and so complete, that’s not the city yet more about historical interest is – as well as learning experiences for the behavior and the development of modern Kriegsführung.”

Tatsächlich lie weite der Stadt in Schutt and Asche. After the capitulation, only 5,000 people in the city are aware of the logistics services of the American army during a splash festival. If we have experienced these kinds of things, they are now not responsible for the relationship with living conditions. Before the start of the Schlacht (the German Zahlen tribes of Anfang September 1944) there had been less than 73,000 people. I had Friedensjahr 1938 pay the Stadt sogar 163,000 Einwohner.

Ursprünglich hatten die Alliierten vor, Aachen zu umgehen. One of the most important obstacles is the propaganda strong herald of the Westwall, which is enamoring the city. Courtney H. Hodges, commander of the 1st US Army, in Aachen, was left with a small garrison content, which was so damaged that he was isolated. An Irrtum.

Schon on September 12, 1944 was the first attack on the city, on the German page of the 116. Panzer-Division under the Kommando of the Generalleutnants Gerhard von Schwerin. There would have been a Krieg in the West – and the war would have started when the Americans were forced to leave Aachen. A “künstlich verlängerten Krieg teilzunehmen, der Deutschland nur zerstören würde”, lehnte is ab.

Hodges is born without the German settlement of the city, in which Schwerin was abgesetzt. Eine Verhaftung durch de SS vereitelten seine Soldaten; The single Kriegsgerichtsverfahren would eingestellt the Rufes as a military Panzer General with a stronger Verweis.

A signaller Stelle übernahm Oberst Wilck das Kommando in Aachen – ungefähr das Gegenteil von Schwerin. There is never a city that has to leave the city and that will certainly be because of its melodramatic funk spüche. “No one can do any of the previous things, but it is not possible to make a personal choice to kill a Sache, and that is vermutlich no longer glaubte,” wrote Klaus-Dietmar Henke: “More problematic war is clean , that is the Verwüstung der Stadt und den Welter Soldaten in Kauf nahm.”


The city area’s own camp fair is from October 13 to 21 and has started with the highest Häuserkämpfen of the Zweiten Weltkrieges. After the war in 2000, US Soldiers lost over time, more than 5000 weeks ago, so it has become a longer time or a campfire. On the German page, 5,000 men died before or after Wilck’s Capitulation, 5,600 of whom were defeated in Kriegsgefangenschaft.

The battle was hampered by the separation of the British operations carried out during Operation Market Garden before the Truppen were defeated on the Rhine. The 1st American Army moved to the Sieg in Aachen in the south and lived here in the Hürtgen Forest in the most mörderisch situation on the Western Front 1944/45. Oberst Gerhard Wilck comb in a comfortable Lager for captured German generals; signaler Family geschah nichts. Joseph Goebbels ignored his subsequent dictates of the lost war in Aachen.