
Rund 100 Anfragen zum Bogensee-Areal in Wandlitz eingedingen

If you have made a construction for the washed out area in the Bogensee with the früheren Goebbels-Villa, many projects and many investors have been reported. In the past, Monaten seien rund 100 Anfragen bei der Gemeinde Wandlitz, de Landkreis Barnim und dem Land Berlin eingedingen, teilte de Gemeindeverwaltung in Wandlitz mit. “These are the reasons why Art and Quality and quality are important in the new processes that have been tested based on their seriousness.”

Zunächst aber soll with Hilfe a study of the area in Wandlitz was not explored, a perspective on its own and a nutzungskonzept in itself. Another “architectural file analysis” is put to an end. The costs for the study amount to 870,000 euros. Dafür soll Fördergeld des Bundes fließen.

On November 20, an Antrag was created in the Förder program “National Projects for Urban Construction”, this has happened. The Bund costs 590,000 Euro. Die Gemeinde tragedy als Eigenanteil 280,000 Euro.

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On the 17th Hektar Großen Area in a Wald Nordöstlich of Berlin, NS Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels built a Landhaus. The GDR Zeiten go to a Jugendhochschule der Freien Deutschen Jugend (FDJ). Since the year 2000, the space has been untouched and painted. The Landkreis Barnim and the Gemeinde can have a new use of historical lands and also as support for democracy.

Gemeinde van Machbarkeitsstudie zu neuem Wohnquartier critic

A Machbarkeitsstudie, the Berliner Immobilienmanagement GmbH in früheren Jahren states ließ, has a Wohnbebauung for gut 4200 new Einwohner vorgesehen, teilte de Gemeinde mit. “In the sight of the Gemeinde Wandlitz, the realizations of the Konzepts in that dimension are at the Gemeindevertretung as well as the Bürgerinnen and Bürgern von Wandlitz on Unverständnis and Ablehnung gestoßen.” Derzeit see the Bogensee-Areal as Fläche für Tourismus and Bildung ausgewiesen.

One of the senate anathemas for the financial sector in Berlin used for Tagen is the fact that “those serial and potentially impactful konzeptvorschläge” are being prüft. After all, there is a break and a renaturation of the Geländes is not from Tisch.

For the Land Berlin as owner of the Zeit, the acquisition of Areal Millions will be different. All costs in 2023 have increased to 280,000 Euro. Zwischen de Jahren 2019 bis 2022 habe das Land Berlin zdem etwa four Millionen Euro für Notsicherungsmaßnahmen investiert. (dpa)