
Luftzeichen: The negative properties of Wassermann, Zwillinge and Waage

Luftzeichen: The negative properties of Wassermann, Zwillinge and Waage

Jedes Sternzeichen has strong and positive qualities, with other zum Staunen that could bring. If the airflow comes from the air, the characteristic is that the air force is now no longer brought to the Vorschein. We bring light to the Dunkelheit and reveal the Treasures of Wassermann, Zwillinge and Waage.

Lesetipp: That’s because of those negative properties of Widder, Löwe & Schütze

#1 Wassermann: Emotional Distanz & Unberechenbarkeit

Der Wassermann tending to solve his own problems and issues was an emotional erasure that could happen. Your business problems can confuse your partners and lead to major discussions. When time has free rein, there is unbridled power, a narrow betrayal.

A stronger effort at individualization and problem solving may produce an unacceptable power or rebellious machine, even if compromises are made. It is no longer possible to work on Job, but personal interests have disappeared.

#2 Zwillinge: Oberflächlichkeit & Unzuverlässigkeit

If you have done interesting research, you may not be working on a specific theme. It can be a problem if Mangel and Tiefe can become distracted. This position of power is not good and there is no prospect of a stronger bond.

If you notice a problem and make a separation, it could be a problem, except that it is a long process. Your love and pleasure are great separations of life and, if you were happy, you could have lost your life.

#3 Waage: Unentschlossenheit & Konfliktscheue

Menschen mit dem Sternzeichen Waage här große schwierigkeiten damit, Entscheidungen zu met en schieben often die Dinge for sich her. It can be large amounts of Konflikten und Diskussionen führen – for example in Freundschafts- und Beziehungsfragen. Dennoch sees his harmony and resolution of the situation on the road – this is a long, good strategy.

If you see the Ausgeglichenheit-streben, you can launch Waagen, before you find yourself in a situation of injustice. If there is a major manipulative effect, we can probably shave a person, die Waage vertrauen.

Click on the Gallery and find heraus, which Sternzeichen are sturdy and explosive: