
Nestlé has not found a problem: these products cause problems

Nestlé has not found a problem: these products cause problems

The largest Lebensmittelkonzern in the world will always remain alive. But there is a product in a certain world.

Nestlés Fertigpizza bleibt (zu) often lie in Tiefkühlregal.

Nestlés Fertigpizza bleibt (zu) often lie in Tiefkühlregal.

Kai Schwabe / Imago

Tomorrow a coffee from Nespresso, a meal from Maggi, a pizza from Buitoni and a dessert and a Kitkat. Manche Menschen are living with Nestlé, perhaps, but they will also be clear – the Lebensmittelkonzern hat more as well as marks in Portfolio.

But Gross alone prevents any mistakes. Nestlé lasts a while. Life in Vevey has lost a large market, and the activities can now give the Monaten a direction: nach unten. If you spend the summer, watch Nestlé, but it’s not that nice.

CEO Mark Schneider was appointed at the end of August. A couple of Laurent Freixe, a man with fast four years of experience in Konzern. Freixe muss Nestlé wieder dorthin bring, we are nach eigenem Verstandnis hinghört: einsam an der Spitze, vom Erfolg verwöhnt.

It is possible to clean the range correctly. Viele Segmente laufen gut, wie etwa das Kaffee- und das Tierfuttergesch ft. But Nestlé is working on a product journey that is causing problems. An overview:


In quickly you will find an Italian restaurant in St ck Nestlé on the table. The well-known Mineralwasser San Pellegrino and Acqua Panna are taken from the kitchen, such as Perrier or Henniez. But Nestlé and das Wasser; It’s complicated.

When we get to Skandalen, we will follow more illegal search methods and processing. This damage to reputation has caused the Tatsache to know that Nestlé is making money with the Mineralwasser. The Wassersparte goes to the Konzernumsatz with four products and the Margen is a good choice.

Nestlé tends to make a few markups. But anyway, the pressure can be removed. Man can have a problem, which is a shame, Harassen of San Pellegrino is a world of schicken, the people of local wasser trinken könnten.

Patrik Schwendimann is an analyst at the Zürcher Kantonalbank and a long-time Nestlé-Kenner. It is said: “The basic problem of the Nestlé conzerns is that they will not get along.” Schwendimann is happy that the man sold the washers part of the world – after he made her a new one.


The Superstar is a Nestlé-Fertiggerichten comes with wahlweise as a brown sauce or brauner Würfel daher – and is always salty in the fall. De Reason ist von Maggi, there has never been a Schweizer Klassiker, which is located in Africa and in which there is also faith. But the use of the Fertiggericht von Nestlé rückläufig is different.

The mainstay is that the food is delicious in the USA – and that, where Nestlé is the number one of the best-loved Lebensmitteln. Nestlé’s great competitive power is not that great. As inflation progresses, the U.S. and U.S. paths of inflation can produce products.

And then it’s not an Ozempic effect. Besonders in the US want more people to Abnehmspritzen zurück. Die Medikamente zügeln the Appetit and change the Consum: more Frisian, less Fertiggericht. And the best pizza from the Tiefkühlregal.


If we enjoy Fleischersatz products on the market for several years, Nestlé will be sure. CEO Mark Schneider’s damage often involves advertising the sale of products. Under the Marke Garden Gourmet offers the Konzern vegan Burger, Filetstreifen and Egg.

But the results of the Fleischersatz products are still available. Other Händler wie Migros und Coop messages von standende Verkäufen. It may be that a large amount of food is a problem at the Fleisch level, nor during the frost. And even vegetarian products often view the high quality of the products critically.

The segment is interesting for Nestlé Media Manager Christoph Meier. It is clear that it may be the case that Fleisch zu imiteren. Dafür könne Nestlé das Wisen aus diesem Bereich elseweitig einsetzen. «We can make the best of soy with the protein content of our healthy lifestyle.»

The Nestlé expert Patrik Schwendimann has made it clear that it is a strategic war, in this segment it is. «Nestlé must do this with great patience, a critical major analysis and make money. That is neither heute nor niece of Fall.”


Säuglingsnahrung, Folgemilch, Kinderbrei: In Bereich Babynahrung, Nestlé traditionally has a strong position. But the Geburtenrückgang can become bare due to a problem. In the states of Japan or Germany, there were years of childcare in the world, and there was a growing group of souls for baby care. It is a statement in itself that Frage, ob dieses Segment trotz hohen Margen weiterhin in een lagende Säule des Unternehmens sein wird.

The demographic change brings more opportunities. Nestlé responds by expanding its portfolio of products for other people – such as aftercare and medical care. The Sparte «Health Science» can take a long time before the Babynahrungsgeschäft teilweise.


The Geschäft mit Süsswaren ist for Nestlé a bittersüsse Angelegenheit. Mark who Kitkat, Smarties or After Eight bring with them a positive Wachstumszahlen, when in the young Zeit the Gewinne roads become higher Kakaopreise sunk.

Some products damage Nestlé’s reputation. After the general collaboration opens an action group, the konzer can solve one of the following problems.

The Communications Chef Christoph Meier blew the Zuckergeschäft over a lighter Bereich. Entscheidend sei es, dass der Mensch Süssigkeiten massvoll konsumiere. It is no longer possible to say: “Eine Tafel Schokolade would not even be a cup salad.”