
Über Berlin’s Safer Space: “Opferkunst” by Jonathan Guggenberger

Über Berlin’s Safer Space: “Opferkunst” by Jonathan Guggenberger

Über Berlin’s Safer Space: “Opferkunst” by Jonathan Guggenberger
From the author Jonathan Guggenberger at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2024, Photo: JG via Instagram.

Optimalweise lies the man “Opferkunst” because on Prenzelberg in an Atemzug. Ehrlicherweise schreibe ich diese Rezension unweit der Paris Bar in a Schwung. Nirgends woanders spielt sich die Nabel- und Pimmelschau der self-dishes Kulturszene Berlins authentic als op een M8-Rundfahrt Richtung Soho Club House unfragmented ab. Der Umgang der Künstlerkaste in Vor en Danach zum 7. October will take place in the novel in its broader prüchlichkeit and auch Widerlichkeit van Jonathan Guggenberger der Lächerlichkeit preisgegeben. Auf hohem Fördergipfel wird das Weltleid as Unterdrückte von privilegierten Hauptstädtern bejammert. Guggenberger’s Debut is a caricatured Grundsatzanalyse systemischer Selbstgefälligkeiten, a statut zur moralischen Selbst- en Fremdschau and a smaller Spaß for Eingeweihte.

“Deutsche Polizei is killing journalists. Über Düsseldorf hails Israeli bombs – an inheritance report from Enzo Bamberger.”

The author composes a strong translation with an autobiographical work based on a large part of the film production at the Kaschperle-Theater of the Capital. Schnipp schnapp, the Crocodile hat Zähne. Julius von Bismarck gives a joke. Some other names appear in Guggenberger’s original novel, appearing on October 7, 2024 in Tiamat-Verlag, as Semiotics deklaratives Wissens über monomorphe Meinungsführer der Berliner Kulturszene. If that thinnest circle has self-determination over a geopolitical strategy that now unites art, then bring as many Nervensägen under the Freifahrtschein des Deutschen Grundgesetzes haarvor.

In Satz 1 Palästina fell, on page 2 Kufiya and Holocaust followed, the Leitmotif der Novelle strickt. Because it was a trial to come, other people would have heard one of the first Simpsons stories, but the work of the Berliner Autoren was first an insider’s erase in the wiedererkennungswert.

“Kultur is the Thinking Laboratory of Democracy!”

Is it in the „Opferkunst“ a book that is a grim Kompositum zum Ullrich’s Oppositum Arbeitet? Together with the reformulated images from the cover of Ferdinand Dölberg, the results of Anton Janizewski, even in the first case of his handling of the matter. Start with the Tod von Aaron by betrauert the Erzähler. Whoever has “an undisputed in Worte Fassen” will use the core fragments for the author, who will look forward to such answers, and who a few days ago the Geschehnisse op een bovine 7. Oktober zu Fassen. For some broader standards, for others factually the simplest Pogrom and Juden Seit der Shoah, everything is possible in Jonathan Guggenberger’s complex times that are overloaded.

“The war in Berlin with a Baroque king, a great narcissist putte, who supported his own Nabel or his own Pimmel.”

Was Davon from Hier and Jetzt? Who is the fictional Sprachspiel? If you have a good idea, first with Kat, who knows the study of the Studium and the Universität der Künste Berlin, später in homoerotic Co-Abhangigkeit zu Aaron. The wiederum is the Bruder von Kat. Guggenberger studied at the Tat and the UdK, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Aaron stirs not irgendwie, nor irgendwo. Aaron looks at iconic insights such as Hl in the Clickbait newspaper. Sebastian den Freitod in Venice. Dort, we see the contemporary art every year at the Biennale as well as the international presentation of the Pöppes. For the Erzähler, the little German journalists Lorenz and in the Verlauf des Boeken neither Enzo Bamberger genannt, geht es darum, das “Rätsel zu losen, why Aaron sterben mustste – warum signal Opfertod Kunst war.” Der Tod wird ein Manifest, was sunst .

In Kürze, nicht in Einfachheit spannt der Autor den Bogen zwischen Rahmen- und Binnenhandlung. If Guggenberger wants to focus on his own child, it is a matter of reading and one of the many things that is so nice, no matter how they see it, and what it is primarily about is schreiben and a low deck that is woolen. Guggenberger, himself a TikTok column in der Friday hat and as Freier für taz and Tagesspiegel It is a fact that the Kanon image of the kunstgeschichte op. Warum zur besseren Anschaulichkeit für Kats Aura auf den Erzähler aka Autor nicht auch noch Ingres Odaliske angeführt wird, bleibt ihm bei Liebermanns Leonbergern.

“For every conflict there is a context.”

If you are a reasonable person, if art is different, you can read more about your distance from it to such a person’s Galadinner-Geschehen im Veronika hinüber. So when you put it in life, you see Guggenbergers making a nice or nice gesture. Overloaded and announced, fresh and enthusiastic by the author of the chaos and chronology of the Ereignisse on October 7.

The main character in the novel, Aaron, was inspired by the IMG model Miles Greenberg, during the performances of Klaus Biesenbach and Lisa Botti in the Malipiero Palace where they played all the time. Obwohl Aarons Teint wie von een Elfenbeinstatue in der Novelle beschrieben wird – hey there, decolonize – scheint auch der White Fox Kult-Kurator aka Thomas Erlenbusch neben seiner – Bussi-Bussi – documenta 15-Skandal Kulturstaatsministerin eine Widmung or, in Guggenberger’s Handlungsstrang betrachtet, if you want to remove the kriegs.

It is a kind of Moodboard in the Warburg by the brilliant Guggenbergers, a pathosform of the right martyrs to the exhortation to prevent an anti-discrimination clause from stretching the state food supply for robbed businesses. Sogar Ulf Poschardt, also known as Pierre, deserves an idea in the Sache, where the Guggenbergers have a proper dechiffriere.

“Culture knows no boundaries!”

Handling, Characteristics and Thematic Development of Berliner Kulturszene auch in der Nebenfigur Emily Schwartz schwer von der Judith Butler der Bildenden be inspirier zu sein. Think of everything and everything as “genozidale Rhetorik” (man thinks he is using the finger correctly) abgekanzelt bzw. cancelled, weil man with glass clear Wertekompass gegenüber dem Existenz- und Verteidigungsrechts Israels trotzdem nur white-white Tätervolk sei. Would you like to file a sub-lassungsklage in the mailboxes after this? Sicherheitshalber deklariere ich diese Rezension unter eine Kunstperformance, damit ich angesichts deutscher Staatsräson meinungsfrei kundtun darf, was ich ganz objektiv betrachtet thenn auch darf (I think people can click here a bit shamanically on the MacBook that is being repaired on the road) Man-machine on a single-holzstuhl sits with, my gegenüber der Platz ist leer).

“Those Israelis have been to blame since October.”

I may not volunteer with a CDU-Wählerin blades, but clearly nervous for the cosmopolitan Rhinelands, which are themselves an überschätzende Kunstmetropole Berlin. Wer Guggenberger’s novel as overzealous, stupid, ignorant, naive or just everything. Spanish tourist attraction in Kit Kat-Lederharnischen entlang der Torstraße, die vom Masturbations-Pop-up Store blinded by the ideological ideology of Erlösungsantizionismus “Palestine will liberate us” -Demos in the sky of Charlottenburg at the expense of Steuerzahler and Balenciaga Sock Sneaker in Kombi mit Balenciaga Puffer Jacket Influencer in the Eck Woolforth Kurfürstenstraße, lately the world for a baby boomer is becoming more and more of a start-up atmosphere, yes, it’s all Berlin.

Ausgerechnet in Düsseldorf stolpert der Zähler am Ende über seine moralischen Ambitionen. Enzo was at the height of postcolonial stuss in the Oberkassel near the Rhine, when his intellectual Augapfel Susan Sontag trifft came to an end, still no answer to Aaron’s Tod erhält. If the woman doesn’t know that the world is really swinging with the reality check during the novel. A idiosyncratic libidinous-inzestuöse Fixierung innerhalb of Kunstszene becomes in „Opferkunst“ deutlich, everything else as better Menschen durch Kunst. If the end of the authorization of the Berlin city limits comes into view, this will be interesting for a new brand. If we dare to take lessons together with Hasnain Kazim in the Frankfurter St. Katharinenkirche, my Empfehlung can no longer work.


256 Pages


ISBN 978-3-89320-322-2

Maybe: 07.10.2024