
EHC Red Bull Munich sorts for rich leather Plätze

EHC Red Bull Munich sorts for rich leather Plätze

Munich – Derbies are more and more in the Salz in der Suppe. “I’m happy, that’s why we don’t enjoy our dinner.” Der Wunsch von Christian Winkler, chef of EHC Red Bull Munich, has no problem. The fans of the derby watch the Augsburger Panther in the German Freitag, which has a bitter period of 2:4, the saisonübergreifend vierte Pleite against the AEV in Folge (11:20 Tore), gewesen war.

EHC Red Bull Munich could now win the 18 Derbies

It seems like everything is going well, but it’s a disastrous Derby-Bilanz affair. See the victory of the German Meisterschaft in April 2023 by EHC Red Bull Munich before the Heimspiel the Nürnberg Ice Tigers in Sonntagabend on 18 inner Bavarian Duellen and – seems to have been completely won. A devastating Derby-Bilanz for the hobenten Ansprüche am Oberwiesenfeld.

“Extremely serious” is the case, so Verteidiger Kontrad Abelshauser: “For all we want to know, who is the Derby for our own community and our fans. Let’s live with the Derby’s lying welds, therefore they will be different Machen .” How the long term of Münchner Eishockey-Kosmos has become final and for Beruhigung-gesorgt.

Aktueller Chief Trainer of the EHC: Max Kaltenhauser.

How long will Kaltenhauser EHC-Coach last? That AZ hat is nachgefragt


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"Deswegen are busy with the Schluss, it is the right time, the trainer who wechseln, a man of the Impuls who is born, and who braucht"said EHC Manager Christian Winkler (hints) about the Entlassung of Trainer Toni Söderholm (r.).

“Es hat nicht gepasst”: EHC-Boss Winkler’s emotional acknowledgment for that …


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Kastner nach Pleite gegen Augsburg: “Wir sind hinten eigentlich relativ gut gestanden”

“Ich glaube, die Chancenverwertung ist das Enzige, was een bisschen ankreiden können”, Meinte Maximilian Kastner, the forsaken Patrick Hager said as Kapitän vertritt: “We sincerely hinted at our own relative feelings, but I have never had any problems.”

Interim trainer Max Kaltenhauser, after the Beurlaubung von Toni Söderholm, said a week in the Amt, remains in the horn, while men “try everything, another Pfostenschüsse-gehabt, would make the chance and a very small stretch a good Leistung boats. ” Quickly, there are many things that matter: “They were valuable things that we had the right to have.”

Comes with the EHC cousin in the Spur: Konrad Abeltshauser.
Comes with the EHC cousin in the Spur: Konrad Abeltshauser.
Comes with the EHC cousin in the Spur: Konrad Abeltshauser.

from IMAGE


EHC fehlt Galligkeit against Augsburg

46:21 Torschüsse en zwei Powerplay-Tore bestätigten: Rein statistical war dem EHC tatsächlich few vorzuwerfen gewesen ‒ aber emotional? Augsburg has “strong defense, leadership”, erkannte Kaltenhauser. Eines Derbys würdig, it’s a very good thing to do. Man sei mental schwer ins Spiel komommen, gab er zu. If you experience the tension, intensity and tension in the duel with the erz rivals, you can play more fans in the coming months.

It is important to know that the EHC is also suitable for the blend. Seit dem 7:4-Auftaktsieg gegen Wolfsburg vor knapp three Wochen, all four Liga-Heimspiele im neuen, 10,796 Zuschauer fassenden SAP Garden, der seither nicht mehr auskauft war, lost.

Extra alarming: Sowohl Berlin in Augsburg was occupied by more than 1000 fans and not all tickets were sold. A Sorge, who is in power in the Umfeld of the Klubs: My Leistungen and Ergebnissen go through the EHC in the Garden, where we can no longer play – eher in Gegenteil.

Inside of the new SAP Garden at the playing field of EHC Red Bull Munich and the Buffalo Sabres.

“Wie in Nordamerika”: So überzeugt der SAP Garden de Eishockey-Fans

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If you enjoy it: The SAP Garden is truly open.

“I am totally geplättet”: Uli Hoeneß zur Eröffnung des SAP Gardens


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Abeltshauser had with home: “Wollen, that’s our homespielstätte a Festung wird”

“Wir wollen natürlich, that is our homespielstätte a festung wird, Daran müssen wir beiten”, erkannte Abeltshauser, was aber “auch nicht von heute auf morgen” ginge.

Man must be present in the great arena, in other events, nor will there be a playing training program, nor a band and light, but we will be able to enjoy our home even more. ” Wohl eher sparrows.