
#SayHi2024 – Zusammen since wir stärker – SRF school

#SayHi2024 – Zusammen since wir stärker – SRF school

#SayHi2024 – Zusammen sind wir stärker – SRF school – SRF

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«Mer hebet zäme» – with that motto it is the best #SayHi-Song, performed by Nicky B Fly and Nickless. Do you want to spread that moving Botschaft with Ihrer Klasse? Here Gibt’s video clip, lyrics and tanz tutorial of «Boom Shaka Laka». A teaching material dazu. Los Geht’s!

With the diesjährigen #SayHi-Song, Nicky B said Fly and Nickless, that’s all easier. The motto ‘Mer hebet zäme’ concretes, who sind which Freundschaft and Zusammenhalt, a Mobbing entgegenzuwirken. What about your class, how can mobbing be a certain situation? Here you will find all information and further information material for #SayHi 2024.

Was it #SayHi?

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SRF children

#SayHi is a Tanzaktion for Schülerinnen and Schüler from all over Europe. Jedes Jahr is a new song with the beautiful Tanz. Then he is here for children from all aspects of their continents: Tanz-Tutorial schauen en üben, üben, üben. Das Ziel: Am Ende ein Video Dren en Einsenden. Machen Sie mit!

Teaching materials for the Zusammenhalt

The #SayHi campaign starts with mobbing and friendship. 2024 lies with the focus on the motto «Zusammenhalten». For the Vertiefung des Themas Zusammenhalt bietet SRF school veldfältiges Unterrichtsmaterial.

I am a center of the Austausch and the Reflexion über das eigen Verhalten. With Fragen wie «Was power a team song?’ or «Was it possible that you were ausgeschlossen fühlt?» Learning to get angry will help you take your own actions and think and find solutions. It is important that role play and group activities with the «Spider Net» are carried out in the children’s room. These activities are no longer active for the Mobbing theme, but also for the Gefühl of the Gemeinschaft and the Verantwortung.

More information about the #SayHi project and click on the hint for the Kulissen shipyard at SRF Kids and on the SRF Kids YouTube channel.

SRF School

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