
Bündnisverteidigung – Pistorius: Baltic Sea entscheidende für Europas Sicherheit – Politik

Bündnisverteidigung – Pistorius: Baltic Sea entscheidende für Europas Sicherheit – Politik

Rostock (dpa) – Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) has reformed the Bedeutung des Ostseeaumes for the Security of Europe. With Russia’s aggressive aggression, Ukraine is turning into an unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft nor deutlicher. It has quickly been 1,000 days since the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, and it is clear that the Krieg will no longer end up in Ukraine for President Vladimir Putin. “Sein wirklicher Feind ist eensere free, unabhängige and demokratische Lebensweise”, said Pistorius at the opening of a new tactical Hauptquartiers der Deutschen Marine in Rostock soon to be published Redetext.

The Security in the Baltic Region is indispensable with the Security of the European Union. With the new Zentrale übernimmt de Marine Aufgaben der NATO, the father of his Verteidigungsbereitschaft in the Ostsee-Region will make a strong case. Germany, that in the NATO-Bündnis the great Navy in the Baltic Sea states, the regional Führungsrolle will be completed until 1. October. Pistorius clearly has the power, it is not a new NATO Main Quarter nor Versto is the Zwei-plus-Vier-Vertrag.

The new headquarters carried out NATO’s maritime operations and plans to strengthen maritime forces in Frieden, Krise and Krieg. One of the Eröffnung nahmen auch Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) and the Inspector of the Navy, Vizeadmiral Jan Christian Kaack, teil. CTF Baltic acts for “Commander Task Force Baltic”.

It acts as a national headquarters with other states. After entering the Ministeriums, a German admiral was fired. Neben Deutschland is nor eleven other national employees and CTF Baltic states: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland and Sweden. In Friedenszeiten, 60 soldiers and soldiers from Diesen and other partner countries can be deployed at 60 multinational service posts. The Krisen- and Konfliktfall can take a hit on his 240 Service posts.

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