
Lifestyle novelties: Test the coolest products in October 2024

Lifestyle novelties: Test the coolest products in October 2024

Jeden Monat has purchased a new product with an unbranded brand name. If the Kaufentscheidung does not last so long, exciting new messages and messages from unserfahrungen are tested.

Our editors: in this way we are going to take a look at the new lifestyle of lifestyle products. If you find a product dick from a sour search, you can try out some exciting new experiences and experiences, such as the Anschaffung lohnt.

Kuschelnest for Klein and Größer

Product test October: PAIDI Bodenbett

Janines Tochter is very happy all the way around – now and then, Mama kisses herself with one.

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Product: Bodenbett Little Flo from PAIDI

Price: approx. €469 for the size 90×200

Nutzen: In a bodennahes Bett can postpone the small self-service a few things. The small drop height and the Umlaufender Rausfallschutz ensure a safe and secure Schlaf.

Application: The Aufbau goes to its soulful flots – and that’s it, my man and my bei the Möbelmontage eher Team Nervenzusammenbruch since. Not quiet or grinding. Perfect. A few kisses friends and kisses can still give us a good bottom in your bet and it is a great machine.

Fazit: The Little Flo from PAIDI hat is no longer überzeugt with the clean color (Cashmere-Beige, Mattblau or Kreideweiß), the stable quality and the Mitwachs-Option (from Mini to Teenie), is still definitively up to date with its own stake. . Why? While the small height and the quick full rim with fire protection provide a safe cushion, it can be one of the only Gitterbettgefühl. Our daughter can only gain an insight and how the Bodenbett feels when the German Empire is involved. During the entire 200 cm stretch, mom or dad can become super light for schlafbegleitung and co-dazulegen. We would like to know more about it! Tip: PAIDI comfort rollers are a top upgrade for your bet. The long pillow rolls of putting up the bets are super helpful from anlehnen and schützen small köpfe themselves at wild Toben.

Kaffee-Genuss ohne schlechtes Gewissen

Product test October: Kaffeemaschine CoffeeB

Eva couldn’t miss CoffeeB anymore. So enjoy your meal and enjoy it – except practical, as it is.

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Product: Coffee machine from CoffeeB

Price: Kaffeemaschine 149 Euro, Coffee Balls (9 Pieces) 2.99 Euro

Nutzen: CoffeeB offers everyone a modern haircut coffee machine, which allows you to view individual haircuts and different styling grades, bright colors, and enjoy your favorite coffee shop from aluminum or plastic.

Application: The coffee balls are placed in the device in the coffee machine. When you drink soda, a soda is sucked into a ball – and then the button is loose, it is normal or a slow coffee is normal. Kurz warten and ghosts!

Fazit: I’m a coffee shopper during my meal and my own snacks are not included. Jedoch hat mich das Konzept von CoffeeBüberzeugt, wenn it is fast gehen soll or I besuch von more Personen habe. When the coffee house is in the coffee machine, the range shifts – the Espresso Supremo is good quality and good coffee beans are included in the range. A plus, of which my personal choice is: CoffeeB writes a large quantity, so that all Coffee Balls are fully composed and are available with the Siegeln of Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade or the Bio-Label.

Wischen und Saugen in a Rutsch

Andrea Roborock

Is everything blitzblank at Editor Andrea?

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Product: Cable release Nass- and Trockenstaubsauger Roborock Flexi

Price: 499 euros

Nutzen: Kabellose Nass- und Trockenreinigung von Hartböden in a Durchgang. Running the cleaning cycle automatically will complete the cleaning. With additional self-training and performance functions.

Application: If contacted first, it was worth installing an app. Irgendwie will not do this with the WLAN connection. Whoso even WLAN? The Roborock Flexi is just not a robot! When the end of the journey is reached, the control can be set and carried out in the best way, how warm the wash is for the self-cleaning and how long it was. Before you are out in the open, you need to fill the Frischwasser tank and drive into the Ladestation parks. Akku voll – los geht’s. Flexi-fährt eifrig voran, ich mss nur lenken. Super easy to find, that’s the cable behind my review. A clean slate is anyway. I’ll be worried if I’m heading out of the Schmutzwassertank. Who comes from all the mess? If all goes well, this is the way. I suppose the Flexi connects to the Docking Station and the self-train leaves. There is a toboggan run and jetzt. Danach begins with the next einsatz.

Fazit: If you use a teppiche of cleaning agent in your home, it is important that the device is not one of the best people ever has a good solution for soil cleaning. If you are so afraid, with the Roborock Flexi you will not end up on a sofa and a couch – it is worth choosing the leader of the kitchen. For the most expensive home it is practical, handy use can make a greater profit.

Is there no carbohydrate?

Mareike tested Lauben's travel bag.

As a critical travel lover, Mareike tested Lauben’s Low Sugar travel bag

© Lauben / PR

Product: Reiskocher with low sugar content from Lauben 1500AT

Price: 99.99 Euros

Nutzen: Reiskocher with various functions, another way to reduce the Zuckergehalt

Application: Reiskocher nach Anleitung befüllen, gewünschte Funktion auswählen, warten – fertig.

Fazit: A travel buyer with little sugar? Davon doesn’t hate it. Lauben verspicht, the carbohydrate in the journey through a special technology has been reduced in 40 cases. Geschmacklich bekommt man als Nutzerin wenig davon mit, the journey is probably and weniger als sonst. If the effect is achieved by cooking tatsächliche features: the additional power added to gelling products in the kitchen of the device. If the following were true: man can lose the function, if man will perform his water hydration – this will no longer be the case. The travel bag works well for a normal, low-sugar trip or any other dish with food or snacks. While most of me bought Versuch one thing – that would be a man who would respect the mixtures and feel the consequences thereof.

Everything in Blick

Editor Hannah tested it "Body scan" from Withings.

Editor Hannah tested Withings’ “Body Scan”.

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Product: “Body scan – Waage von Withings

Price: approx. 400 euros

Nutzen: Waage van Withings’ body scan is the restoration of a rapid innovation in general analysis. If you no longer have the weight of your weight, there is an analysis of local Muskel- und Fettanteile, Wasseransammlungen, the health care of Nerven and Herz and you may encounter some diabetes bed complications. The problem with the app is that there is an overview of the fortification, which can organize the world and which can be compared with others.

Application: The Waage cable can be charged via the USB cable and connected to the app, the App Store is available. After setting up a personal profile, all data is spelled out. The anwendung of a herkömmlichen Waage, all things that are used here together with a hand, if you carry out the analysis content, is a nor a prize giving of the messages of the körpers on gewährleisten.

Fazit: De Waage is an innovation. Say you can pay a lot of attention, and the details are gone. If I personally had not been braucht, there is a comparison with others. Nutzer:innen. One of the things that we’ve done or that’s not right is that most people have a good feeling and they can get a good feeling.
