
E-Zigarette explodes in Mund einer 20-Jährigen – Südtirol News

E-Zigarette explodes in Mund einer 20-Jährigen – Südtirol News

From: IoT

Palermo – It is a report of this, the Benutzer von E-Zigaretten aufhorchen lassen sollten: In Palermo is an E-Zigarette that is exploded by the Benutzung and a sale of a Verletzung in Gesicht of 20 years Benutzerin. If we ever find a solution for the future, it is still not a matter of politics. Although the use of electrical appliances is becoming more and more critical, but the electronic lobby remains.

Owned by a 20 year old in Palermo with his friends in the Rue and setting up an e-cigarette-ziehen. It may be that a battery device and the small electrical appliances explode in the young woman’s world. The nearby restaurants alert the Notruf and the 20-year period was brought to the next hospital.

The reports about the flight in the air traffic alternatives are as follows: First an EasyJet pilot must fly to Crete in London countries, while the Akku explodes and dries an e-cigarette, the flight in Brand to the setzen. No one would be disappointed. Weniger Glück had a Siebenjährige in Dublin, due to the explosion a rerumliegenden “Vape” in the right color.

Child and youth care is being lost

It was likely that there was an aberrant effect on the young man, but the effect was not great. Geschmäcker wie Wassermelon or Cookies and Cream are more interesting as übelriechende Glimmstangel. This is due to the influence of major influences and pop culture from history. Providing a less shady alternative to cigarettes, it is nevertheless not easy to use, but a long-term study into utilization is not possible.

Who is the water vapor?

Everything is the best of the Rauch, the products produced from Wasserdampf. It is also possible that the substances that make up the product are no longer consistent during the Verbrennung von Tabak. In the line that is in most of the liquids of the e-cigarettes, the Nikotin machines can be connected. Manchmal welds themselves manipulate the E-Cigarettes in such a way that a life in Tobacco enthaltenen Menge auf single consumption could be.

E-Cigarettes also arise from the behavior that can be attributed to Cigarettes and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) as E-instieg zum weiterführenden Tabakkonsum serve.


Another factor is the Müll, which belongs to the Einweg and Mehrweg vapes. In that case it is seltene rohstoffe with lithium and cobalt. Often there are single vapes on the market or in the house, but it is worth using a single vape when assembling electrical devices. If the liquid is filled with vapes used as gift substances, its consequences are likely to be greater.

Whoever man is also dreht: Raucher gefährden ihre Gesundheit in all Fällen eher as Nichtraucher. E-Zigaretten can be used by the Abgewöhnen of Tabakkonsum, but serve as a malicious seller. It’s true: following the consums has never been unsatisfactory so long ago. Kurzfristig shinet der Eins-zu-eins-Konsum aber weniger schädlich in Vergleich zu Zigaretten.