
EuGH-Verhandlung – Gegen grüne EU-Label voor Atom en Gas: Prozess startet – Politik

EuGH-Verhandlung – Gegen grüne EU-Label voor Atom en Gas: Prozess startet – Politik

Luxembourg (dpa) – The rights of the European Union and the EU-Kommission for the establishment of Atomkraft and gas als kostenlose Reundlich in the higher phase. Before the European Court of Justice (EUJ) in Luxembourg started the global trade, the service was fortified soll. With an Urteil in its own Monaten dishnet.

The Alpine Republic tends to organize the taxonomy. The taxonomy is an art form for sophisticated financial products. The classification system that helps companies and businesses identify climate projects and invest in money.

Critical criticism of nuclear energy and fossils Gas as a vital source of energy and environmental protection. If we go to Brüssel “Greenwashing”, it is also a climb-friendly knowledge, but it is not the case. Many more organizations – including Greenpeace, the Bund für Environment and Nature (BUND) and the World Wild Fund (WWF) – recognized the EU investment in gas and atomenkraft as climate-friendly for Gericht. Die Verfahren laufen.

In a new message from Greenpeace, the rules for gas and nuclear in the EU taxonomy have no longer affected the energy transition in Europe and are not required to be clarified. “Europe is bereft, the enterprise of science follows and follows an energy turn that sees fullness, that absorbs 100 percent of the energy.”


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