
Those Beatles in “Der Herr der Ringe”? 10 Films that were not fruitful

Those Beatles in “Der Herr der Ringe”? 10 Films that were not fruitful

Registration of Francis Ford Coppola has never had a schätze at lower level, if it does not lead to the unresolved problems.

Epic about “Napoleon”

After the science-fiction masterpiece “Odyssee in Weltraum”, Stanley Kubrick’s film of Napoleon Bonaparte has become a hit. Ein Archive full of research material still exist, but letztlich separate the Project an der Finanzierung. Let the direction of the direction of the drama “Barry Lyndon” continue for a while.

In the film world, it is a small company that changes production in fresh farming. The Gründe für das Scheitern des Projects can go one step further than: Sei es die mangelnde FinanzierungThe problem with time or any of the problems you encounter. The following films are (leader) not published on the big Leinwand.

Those Beatles as Frodo and Co.

Before Peter Jackson brought the 2001 “Herr der Ringe” booker to the Leinwand, he received other registrations for a film of Tolkien’s interesting works. Sowohl

Stanley Kubrick also approached John Boorman about his interest. Please note that the decision made for the film is: The Beatles will outdo Frodo, Sam, Gandalf and Gollum!

Alfred Hitchcock’s Serienmörder

A bodybuilder whose series is made by women? Alfred Hitchcock expressed this idea in his Drehbuch in “Kaleidoscope”. Da der Film Vale Gewalt- en Sexszenen enthalten sollte, fürchtete man die Reaktion des Publikums, und de Produktionsstudio lehnte schließlich ab.

Orson Welles’ Brain Project

“Citizen Kane” is one of the movie classics. Another Orson Welles project continues to receive funding. That’s what it is Drehbuch for “Heart of Darkness” bereits im alleingang geschrieben. In the Roman film adaptation there is capitalism, the schreckliche Erfahrungen with the colonial power. Die Geschichte und Schließlich Eingang in Francis Ford Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now”.

A “Don Quijote” of the new art

Dass Orson Welles is having trouble financing projects, but says it’s an idea to start with the blessing. In the version of Roman’s “Don Quijote” the protagonist is found in the meeting and cars, companies and co. to know. Die Dreharbeiten started in 1957wurden aber wegen Geldmangels immer wieder unterbrochen. Zwischenzeitlich starb sogar der Hauptdarsteller Francisco Reiguera.

HP Lovecraft Verfilmung

For the film of HP Lovecraft’s “Am Berge des Wahnsinns” it is worth it: Guillermo del Toro has won a budget from Universal, Tom Cruise plays the main characters and James Cameron das Ganze produce. If all goes well, the project is a risky war.

The first movie from the computer

Bereits End der 70er Jahre hatte een Gruppe junior Forscher in New York – Darunter Ed Catmull and Alvy Ray Smith, de späteren Mitbegründer von Pixar – the idea, a film on the computer on the machine. In “The Works” a robot is the only one who practices the three world wars, who is greater than the machine. The technician had a great time, but the computer has never been as good as a movie’s animation.

Francis Ford Coppolas “Megalopolis”

In “Megalopolis” a number of architects have created a utopian city. The Drehbuch with more than 200 pages is supervised by clerk Francis Ford Coppola who is grateful for the occupied power. But after the Ereignissen on September 11 war the idea of ​​the production of the hotchpotch. Unglaublich, aber wahr: Inzwischen konnte Coppola sein Herzensprojekt completenden. Featuring Adam Driver, Aubrey Plaza, Dustin Hoffman and many others, it has brought together a prominent cast. If the film is there, it is not possible to engage with it.

“Divine Rapture” with Starbesetzung

Featuring Johnny Depp, Marlon Brando and Debra Winger, “Divine Rapture” has a high quality. Letztere sollte in dem Film de Hauptrolle or Mechanikerin spielen, de rubt und bei je Beerdigung wieder aufersteht. Auch bei diesem Project fehlte am End das Geld: The production company will never work again.

River Phoenix’s epistolary film

In “Dark Blood” River Phoenix plays a white role, who turns on an atomic bomb test and ends up in the Apokalypse War. Night of the Schauspieler when the wound gets a little overdosewhere the project stopped. Später beschloss Director George Sluizer, Rivers’ film films and fragments the brother Joaquin, who you can help.

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