
Bad Säckingen: Volles Haus and smart Candidates: So Spaß power fell that SÜDKURIER-Quiznacht

Bad Säckingen: Volles Haus and smart Candidates: So Spaß power fell that SÜDKURIER-Quiznacht

The fragments are so beautiful: in the chapel of the St. Fridolin hotels, the heads of 70 candidates were raised, who presented the funny fragment of moderator Justus Obermeyer at the SÜDKURIER quiz night.

These questions could also be answered correctly

All fragments written in the Verlauf des Abends could become a thought of one of the 14 Rätselteams of savory. “Damit was not happy. Eine tolle Leistung von alle Beteiligten“, comments by Obermeyer.

Volles Haus at der SÜDKURIER-Quiznacht. In the Kapelle des Hotels St. Fridolin you can make a smart choice for the smart candidates.

Volles Haus at der SÜDKURIER-Quiznacht. In the Kapelle des Hotels St. Fridolin you can make a smart choice for the smart candidates. | Image: Julius Berchtold

Who might be the only star to end up on the US flag? Welcher is the highest mountain in the Waldshut district? (The right Antworten are open: 50 and Herzogenhorn.) If the Frage, which is a final Württembergische Stadt, will come out of its „Mömpelgard“, its height could be improved.

A fun and creative answer would be great

During the four spielde rounds that the teams perform in the 15th minute, one of the answers to one of the first assignments is the Obermeyer organization and the assistant Alexander Sigmund who has taken the guard. It is an honor to enjoy the most fun and creative answers.

Moderator Justus Obermeyer (left) was appointed by the Antworten der Teams aus. That is the reason Alexander Sigmund no longer works.

Moderator Justus Obermeyer (left) was appointed by the Antworten der Teams aus. That is the reason Alexander Sigmund no longer works. | Image: Julius Berchtold

When the quiz fragments of the candidates’ questions are tested, you can use the “knifflige Aufgabe” for the logically conceivable heraus. The power of my name and the power of Claudia Arzner with the team “Liederbach-Biber” was the rest of the story with greater recognition.

The Mädelsabend team was able to separate the runde runde, which passes through the swinging fragments.

The Mädelsabend team was able to separate the runde runde, which passes through the swinging fragments. | Image: Julius Berchtold

In the geography run, the teams must highlight their specific knowledge. The answers to the quiz fragments, which cover the fragments of the smallest country in Europe, should be made on a marked map if possible. “Besides our differences between geography, without considering the directions of Antwerp,” said Werner Speck.

„It was a great time to be healthy and had a great time”

Die Stimmung im Hotel St. Fridolin war ausgelassen. At Snacks and Kalten you can make the effort to make the Fragen disk. Rich answers to schwere Fragen wurden gefeiert. The most people who have found the team “Hinterher ist man immer schlauer” are the Geschäftsführer of the St. Fridolin-Hotels Nils Bosley who has earned an award. From here you can see where the future lies. “So was bad Säckingen noch nicht gesehen”, so Bosley.

It could be interesting

Bad Säckingen

Rätselspaß pur: This is the best photo of the first SÜDKURIER Quiz Night

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Take a look at the content of the Pub-Quiz format displayed. Watch the Wunsch after a frivolous Wiederholung der Quiznacht. “It is a war that is his fight and the power of Spa. We would love to have dinner bowls,” says Armin Wacker about the Abend. “Ein gelungener Abend, der nach einer Wiederholung schreit”, Justus Obermeyer summarized the first Quiz Night in Bad Säckingen.

How is it conscious? Raten Sie mit!

The best parts of the SÜDKURIER Quiz Night are here for their sisterhood.