
You can clear the new Corona variant XEC

You can clear the new Corona variant XEC

– You can “suppress” people and say a symptom that it is first in Essen: In Germany the new Corona variant XEC is on the Formarsch. Von Impfschutz über Symptom is that his gefahrer Verläufe – all these lessons are here.

The biggest problem is that in Germany the Atemwegserkrankungen derzeit will reach a higher level. Treasures of the Robert-Koch-Instituts (RKI) are worth living in October 7.3 Millions of people without health care and medical expenses – that is the result of living with 8,700 people from 100,000 living quarters. Neben Rhinoviren is responsible for the dangerous herbal medicine, among other things, about Covid-19, without a new variant.

The Wednesday message from the Robert Koch Institutes of October 16 said that the Corona variants XEC and KP.3.1.1 have set the main settings. We continue with the KP.3.1.1 variable that dominates in Germany, primarily in 41 percent of corona infections. The variant “XEC”, which already appeared in the 27th century, will not appear until the 29th century. XEC is a recombination of both JIM.1-Sublinien KS1.1 and KP.3.3.

After the Robert-Koch-Institut found the new Corona variant XEC, the war in the Vormarsch died in the first German war in June 2024. Bislang, the subline XEC is not yet dominant here, the power of RKI is in calendar week 39 “now” 20 percent of the corona infections. Many experts tend to have the XEC appear in winter with other variations in the rural states and their dominating subline. The basis for this evaluation is different, the XEC cross-section is high. There are many variants that cause a symptom, but it is untypical of a corona error.

The symptom

If you notice the problem, the cleaner is from the beginning of the disease – including the symptoms of the symptom. The general medicine of Dr. Helen Wall, Klinische Leiterin van de Abteilung voor Bevölkerungsgesundheit in de Großraum Manchester, erklarte gegenüber van “Manchester Evening News” een Besonderheit van de Sublinie: I am a moment shinning that the grippeähnlicher zu signal als frühere Covid-Varianten, with hohem Fieber, Husten , Körper- und Kopfschmerzen”. The device can be extremely removed and the person can use “who ausgeknockt fühlen”.

The National Health Service in Great Britain has the same symptoms of the XEC variation at another high temperature, Schüttelfrost, anhaltenden Husten mit Hustenanfällen, Durchfall and Krankheitsgefühl. Who both the bisherigen Variants can find a delight of the Geschmacks- and Geruchssinns, Kopf- and Gliederschmerzen, Kurzatmigkeit, a constipated Nase and Müdigkeit of the Symptoms.

Another symptom, which can be remembered with the XEC, is that Infizierte is first in Essen – or not, the message “”. Demnach can cause a loss of appetite for an XEC infection, which can lead to Geruchs- and Geschmacksstörungen. If the Magen-Darm-Trakt causes an infection caused by the Omikron-Variant, it will be sucked into the Mitledenschaft.

Gefahr von schweren Verläufen

The good cause: Black is the new Corona variant This concerns the Robert-Koch-Institut.


Apropos Vorgänger: The XEC variant is almost a Valfacher Ur-Enkel from Omikron. Conclusion: “XEC is a recombination with two different, little discussed subvariants: KS.1.1 and KP.3.3”, explains the Medizinerin and Spezialistin for the infectious disease of Elisabeth Hudson from the Californian of “Los Angeles Times”. This is influenced by the Impfschutz. Those who have a grim bisher influence on the new variant cannot see it at first. Hudson stands out when he is a grundlegender impfschutz, which is at XEC an “Ur-, Ur-, Urenkel” of the omikron variable trade. “Ein gewisses Maß an Schutz is also not best,” says Hudson.