
Trump-Wahlsieg: Deutschland dries up Milliarden-Desaster

Trump-Wahlsieg: Deutschland dries up Milliarden-Desaster

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Trump-Wahlsieg: Deutschland dries up Milliarden-Desaster
A Wahlsieg from Donald Trump would see the most fascinating followers of the German Wirtschaft nach sich. © Guille Briceno/ZUMA Press Wire/Imago; Valerio Rosati/Zoonar/Imago; Mounting: RUHR24

Donald Trump was committed to Abschottung and Strafzölle – with followers for world trade. Now Wirtschaftsexperten Deutschland warns of a BIP fiasko.

Dortmund/Washington – Wahlsieg in the US of the American Donald Trump and Kamala Harris who are in Europe and especially China in the worst case: a Wahlsieg of the Republikaners. Scold Trump’s power in thwarting the consequences of failure by Zölle keinen Hehl. Is it possible to take a economic action if you want a Wahlsieg from Donald Trump for Germany? An institution that guided the company.

Trump-Wahlsieg: Deutschland dries up Milliarden-Desaster

The German Wirtschaft is found in the Kieler Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW) in a resolution. Im Herbst 2024 soll das Grossinlandsprodukt (BIP) in Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 0,1 Prozent sink. “In fact, the German economy is in a state of turmoil, but the economics of the economy is not without economic growth,” says Stefan Kooths, IfW Konjunkturchef, gegenüber der ARD.

Stichwort Verlässlichkeit: Sollten de US-American Donald Trump am 5. November tatsächlich zum 47. The American president, as an international trading partner, wants to rely on Zölle, that es in itself. A Zoll of 60 Prozent on all Chinese products and 10 to 20 Prozent on all others imported – Protectionismus statt Freihandel lautet Trumps Devise.

That heartless Kurs in Rahmen von Trump’s Wirtschaftsagenda could then provide an impetus here. Laut a study of the Institutes for Macroeconomics and Konjunkturforschung (IMK) of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung could use the German BIP “in the first years after the introduction of the Zölle (…) a prozent niedriger would have fallen if a single Zolleskalation”.

Trump-Wahlsieg: Germany has won a BIP Verlustering van een Prozent

The forecasts of IMK experts Prof. Dr. Sebastian Dullien, Dr. Sabine Stephan and Dr. Thomas Theobald in Rahmen ihrer Study of October 2024. After an erträglichen Abschwung klingt, it was a good idea in itself: The BIP bezifferte itself won the Federal Statistical Office in the year 2023 with a revenue of 4.2 billion euros. A prozent celebration would have raised 4.2 billion euros (more Politik-News at RUHR24).

Was this ‘protectionism’?

The protection mechanism is that if a state looks at the production of goods in its own country, this could cause the war to come out of the Australian country. The protection policy is aimed at free trade.

Quelle: Federal Center for Political Education (bpb)

It is said that the IMK-Forschern is the country of the poet and the thinker, nor do rising energy prices inform Russian fears in Ukraine. Coupled with a fundamentally aggressive economic policy in China and the United States, a “more negative shock” can be expressed by the German economic environment, which is becoming more stagnant, especially by the experts.

Deutschland was Trump’s more aggressive agenda with Dullien, Stephan and Theobald offering no protection. The experts of the Federal Government, “an expansive financial policy of commitment, will obtain credit financing of investment programs through rapid financing”. If one of the Wiederwahl-Trumps is absent, Deutschland will call this maßnahme “jetzt schon vorbereiten”, while IMK-Forscher Dullien.

Trump-Wahlsieg: Experts for Germany are ready to invest

If we impose the ‘enorms for investment policy, the infrastructure is up to date with the current times’, while the Trump-zolleskalation Dullien is another Grund, with the investment programs proposed here ‘schnell anzufangen’. If you see that it has been a “debt reform for the international financial playing field”.

Donald Trump (Republican)

Donald Trump is a candidate for the Office of American Presidents.
Donald Trump is a candidate for the Office of American Presidents. © Shealah Craighead/White House

Name: Donald John Trump
Change: 78 (June 14, 1946)
Birth sort: Queens, New York, USA
Part: Republican Party

Ob der Experte mit seinem Rat in Deutschland works on an open Ohren-stößt, ist most fraglich. Derart schnelle Maßnahmen umzusetzen, ever differs from the long-standing Mühlen of his own Bürokratie. And Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), who has established an Ampel-Aus in the Raum area, will take on the debt burden over time.

Trump-Wahlsieg: US-Wirtschaft würde unter hohen Zöllen would lead immensely

Before the German Ministry of Justice regularly comes up with a hearing part of the case, the first thing in Trump’s heart will be a “waiting dampener” on the American economy. We would be happy to receive the “consumer prize and the purchase price of the US-Privathaushalte”.

It seems that the Forschern is “negative on the private verb”. Auf the US-Verbraucher will receive a more massive “Verbraucherpreisschock”. But damit not nice. “Inflation by the US-Notenbank Federal Reserve persisted with a pullback in interest rates, had fallen by the Wachstum muted,” reports by Forscher.

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While China has studied IMK-Forscher’s study on Donald Trumps, the US economy is getting bigger and the US-American BIP-Verluste is getting bigger. Autumn seems to have ended in the US in that autumn and 2025 is a BIP delight of four prozent going through the autumn, while Trump goes on the high Zölle display. I will celebrate in the fourth quarter of 2026, so it will be a fun project.