
Bayer: Dieser Ex-FDP politician is a new pharmaceutical chief lobbyist

Bayer: Dieser Ex-FDP politician is a new pharmaceutical chief lobbyist

Bayer AG, Sellerstraße, Wedding, Mitte, Berlin, Germany

Bayer AG, Sellerstraße, Wedding, Mitte, Berlin, Germany
photo alliance / Schoening | Shoes

Bayer Pharmaceuticals is a pharmaceutical division of the chemical industry from Leverkusen. After our information about the international post of chef lobbyists with a brother FDP Bundestagsabgeordneten and health experts. We would like to have a new job, to prevent me from becoming exclusive with BI+.

Bayer Pharmaceuticals is a pharmaceutical division of the chemical industry from Leverkusen.

After our information about the international post of chef lobbyists with a brother FDP Bundestagsabgeordneten and health experts.

Dem Vernehmen nach soll Lars Lindemann from Berlin and Job in November.

The company is active in the United States and Milliarden-Klagen: Bayer’s pharmaceutical and chemical industries are not making any progress with Krisen mode. Obwohl der Gesamtmarkt wuchs, halbierte sich der Wert des Konzerns in letzten otherthalb Jahren. There are other people at the top of CEO Bill Anderson, who works under Druck.

In the meantime: The Pharmabereich (“Bayer Pharmaceuticals”) is in line with the other Sparten “Consumer Health” (“Personal Health) and “Crop Science” (Landwirtschaft) right there. I have a quarter of the capacity at 4.6 billion euros stacked, the profit margin of quickly 30 Prozent is the highest price.

Pharma area with high margins

Trotzdem kämpft auch Pharmaceuticals with high energy costs, strong legislation from the Australian country and stricter regulations at EU and national level. Since the arrival of Brussels in the future, the information provided by Business Insider will be well-founded and well-founded.

They will decide on the Konzern den Posten des internationalen Cheflobbyisten (Global Head of Public Affairs) in November with a long-term FDP Bundestagsabgeordneten, the Health Politician Lars Lindemann.