
Erhalten real estate in Germany or new construction? – DW – 21.10.2024

Erhalten real estate in Germany or new construction? – DW – 21.10.2024

The Bausektor is the Elefant in KlimaraumMeinte schon vor einigen Jahren der Klimaforscher Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, former director of the Potsdam Institutes for Climate Research. The construction industry produces more than half of the mülls and 40 percent of the CO2 emissions in Germany. Außerdem verschlingt si Ressourcen: Allein in Deutschland fließen 90 Prozent der mineralischen und nicht nachwachsenden Rohstoffe in diesen Sektor.

Do not burden nur Neubauten Umwelt und Klima, or de Sanierung von bestehenden Gebäuden verbal Ressourcen, erht den Müllberg und verursacht Treibhausgase. The yearly construction projects in Germany are based on research into the materials management of 430,000 homes, which are common among the “Bundesstiftung Baukultur” in Potsdam.

In learning areas, CO2 fell specifically

Während in deutschen Großstädten Platzmangel und Wohnungsnot herrschen, sind in ländlichen Gebieten velde Immobilien ungenutzt. Allein in Bundesland Thuringia has a value of the German Wiedervereinigung and 45,000 leerstehende Gebäude. One of the steht in Apolda, a small town in the Nähe von Weimar, die wiedervereinigung a heavier production standard for the textile industry and the machine building war.

    The ehemalige Feuerlöscher-Fabrik: Eiermann-Bau in Apolda
Die ehemalige Feuerlöscher-Fabrik, ausgebaut von Egon Eiermann, stand long Zeit leatherImage: Insa Wrede/DW

The Eiermann-Bau War started a Weberei. Später were produced here until 1994. Feuerlöschgeräte. The building’s architect was Egon Eiermann at the end of the 30th century. When the time finally came, more damage was done as the industrial mindset was overtaken by the weld.

Riesige, a glazed facade, an uncovered facade, the Fehlen a Heizungsanlage and other Gebäudetechnik powers a Neunutzung of the 5000 Quadratmeter aber schwierig.

Who is happy?

Since 2016, the Internationale Bauausstellung Thuringia (IBA Thuringia) of the Industriedenkmals has started and it is no longer possible to open an Open Factory. It is not that the previous construction effects are now a fact and what other construction constructions are targeted.

Das Leitmotiv war: Who is happy? “Was not a new construction with new and useful materials, emitting only a small amount of damage”, explains the architect Katja Fischer, Head of the Stiftung Baukultur Thüringen.

One of the four Gebäudes lessons would yield a special idea. Wer here sein Büro hat, sitzt in narrow glassen Gewächshäusern, die in de wet Hülle der ehemaligen Fabrik die wurden. As the flames burned, Fenster shed light in the halls. I am warm in winter in Sonne den Raum. Make sure that the floor slabs are at a ground temperature of 15 degrees in the Halle.

Die Haus-im-Haus-Losung - gläserne Büros wurden in der Halle aufgebaut
Die Haus-im-Haus-Losung – gläserne Büros wurden in der Halle aufgebaut Image: Insa Wrede/DW

Auch de Wärme von Computern, Lampen und Mitarbeitern search in the glass desks for Wärme. If it is not straight, it may be related to the infrared heating. That saves energy, the energy for these little ones is light. If I’m reflective in summer, that’s not the case.

“Everyone can be separated, whoever is warm is allowed to live,” says Elisa Dorn from the Stiftung Baukultur Thüringen. You may have been working in a glass agency for years. “I am very happy and I can enjoy my moment without having to worry about work place.”

Rück- und Umbau-mitgedacht

For further discussions we used more rooms in the Halle. Who have great Würfel in Holz with drehbaren Wänden ermöglichen sie more or few abbessene Meetings. The problem with the folding construction technology is that the traps are loosened, which leave under the deck and flow and love.

Eiermann-Bau in Apolda: Holzcubus with Drehtüren as Meeting Space
Operating the Holzkubus can be a geschlossenen or open space for meetingsImage: Insa Wrede/DW

If it is all like that, it is like that in Kreisläufen. So since those Einbauten, also Büro-Glashäuser and the Stromtrassen nicht in Beton gegossen. The following pages: it is a new story that can be advanced relatively little and that the Glasburos can develop in a different way.

Zudem wurde – ganz in de clima-experten-schellnhuber – op climate-friendly means Wert laidgt: Statt Zement wurden Holz, Stroh, Lehm and einfache, reversible Connections dieser Materialien eingesetzt. The hanging itself comes from recycled material.

Der Weg zu den Glasbüros

If the war is not clear, the Eiermann Gebäude can be carried out. Zumal is not a problem in Apolda gab. If you are in one of the open factories, an open factory, a different utility options are available.

A long time in the company of the guests, the time to protect the Egon-Hotel Gäste and watch the movie film. There is a Ping-pong Club, Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen, a radio station with messages with a fiktiven Zukunft, a Kochlabor for kulinarische Experimenten wich are a Forschungslabor. Bis ich schließlich die gegenwärtige Nutzung herausgeschält hat.

Mittlerweile hosts the Eiermann-Bau a small, gewerbliche Gemeinschaft. One of the glass offices houses the Mitarbeiter of the Stiftung Baukultur Thüringen, the LeerGut-Agent:innen and the Lebenshilfe-Werks Weimar-Apolda. Sieben Büros stehen noch zur Verfügung. In the Halls there are teil Werkstätten, Ateliers, Ausstellungen and Veranstaltungen. “We have been enjoying our holidays for a long time – we are also enjoying our little nachfrage,” says Katja Fischer.

Eiermann-Bau in Apolda von Außen
So go to the other Feuerlöscherfabrik in Apolda aus. On the right the Erweiterungsbau von Egon Eiermann, recognizable by the four-sided Fenstern, on the left the old Teil des Gebäudes with RundbögenImage: Insa Wrede/DW

Warum ohne Nachfrage umbaauen

Bleibt de Frage, warum gerade in Apolda bei so fell Leerstand, so fell Mühe für ein altes Fabrikgebäude aufgewandt wird. “It is a city in Thuringia, which will last forever,” says Elisa Dorn. Beispielsweise said sich schon in der Nachbarschaft von Jena, that living space became handsome. I target Umland on the real estate premium. Selbst in Apolda würden die Immobilienpreise schon langam anziehen, so Dorn.

A different environment: In the regions of Eastern Germany, they live in the home of the living residents. Damit is changing local infrastructure, such as e-commerce, cafes and restaurants – the region’s power is not unattractive. There is a Hoffnung that helps the project of the Eiermann-Bau, a smaller city with more living conditions. It is worth locking and helping tourists stop the road or close new people in the city.

Furthermore, “you are more than happy with your own real estate agent”, Fischer said. “There is a living being who resides on an inner world of the planets Boundaries and a playfile that plays a central role.” The stock used is a fish that works in urban construction, the Ortsgeschichte and is often also considered an identity document.