
Sponsored content: This Käser has the Dreh raus

Sponsored content: This Käser has the Dreh raus

Geschabt and not geschnitten! Der Tête de Moine entfaltet in hauchdünnen Rosetten seine delikate Note – Handicraft with passion, erhältlich in Fine Food Range from Coop.

There is a Käse with History: Schon im 12. Jahrhundert wurde der Tête de Moine regestellt – in de Dörfern rund um das Kloster Bellelay BE. The heart-warming heart from the Jura is a faith that can last for years. With my tradition it is no longer possible to be schnitten.

Anyone who uses this technique is no longer cleared. From a sex point of view, the scale is on the right: With the rotational movements of the birds, the aromas of the surrounding areas are more pronounced, and the upper slopes are more intensive – a high genus for Zunge and Gaumen.

This is what Tobias Hofer, product manager at Coop, says: “Die Tête de Moine Rosetten is a brunch with an aperitif platter that is served.” In the Fine Food Product Line there is no one-sided quality: if it is 120 days for 75 days, it would have become more aromatic and tastier; quasi the Kronung des Tête de Moine de Bellelay AOP. So how Coop Lieferant Fromages Spielhofer in Saint-Imier BE, responsible for the production of Rosetten, produces one of the best moine production products for the Herstellung des Kases: Marc-André Girardin from Corgémont BE. Der 45-Jährige führt im 1800-Seelen-Dorf die Käserei de la Suze and is decorated with rich medals and Auszeichnungen. A third step in history has been taken.

Sein Erfolgsrezept: «Passion! Bereits als Kind, als Sohn von Landwirten, hat mich fasziniert, sich aus Milch everything was restored.» Impressed: «Mein Traumberuf stand früh fest!»

I work with my hands – and with my brain
I work with my hands – and with my brain

Marc-André Girardin

Früh, bereits at 3.45 a.m. tomorrow, these preparations will begin. Gegen 7 Uhr die Landwirte aus der Region ihre Milch an (een zweite Lieferung erolgt am Abend). Deren Kühe hides the Jurahöhen at 750 meters above Meer, where you can expect more safety and greater grass. This is the only malignant issue of the repellent Moine herb.

The recovery of the Käses is an exact recipe and the Vorgaben of the AOP-Pflichthefts. If you see another person, then the inner part of the abdomen of 24 hours after milk production is more likely, we will zügig zur Sache gehen the meat. The milk is standardized (a process that involves feeding the milk to a certain level) and the boiler is filled with 6,000 liters of water. Then the laboratory has turned beige, which reduces the quality of the mild ingredients, creating a mild bacterial culture that accounts for the texture and aroma. The milk would be perfect at 50 degrees Celsius.

Leidenschaft & Tradition: Culinary Handicrafts at Coop

Culinary handicraft traditions are very different in Switzerland. At Coop, craft products are made that are produced according to your own design. No partner can use one of our best products with a fresh price directly for the month of August.

You can buy your favorite handicrafts from Coop online and immediately place an order for a home delivery. Erlebe die Vielfalt der Bäckerei, Metzgerei und einer Frischeabteilungen von Coop, ganz bequem online.

Handicrafts at Coop endecken

Die Milch ist jeden Tag else Es kommt auf jedes Detail an: Der Zeitpunkt, while the masses are brochen with the Käseharfe, hat an influss on the spätere Heart of the Käses and on the great of the entstehenden Käsekorns. The kitchen has the modern Hilfsmittel made by hand, but man is not suitable for kitchen production. Marc-André Girardin: «Kein Tag ist gleich, die Milch ist jeden Tag else. Power is exciting.”

In the 24th century, in the area of ​​​​the greenhouse that is now becoming busy, the Hunderte Laibe is twice as good as the wax in the greenhouse. Before the Lagerung makes the most of the Moine-tête, there is not yet a 24-day «Spa»-aufenthalt in 14 degree warm Salzbad.

If I’m Keller, the problem is solved. Bis zu 240’000 Stück lagert Girardin. Here is the problem that the Pflegerobotern helps. “The diverse mix of things was very satisfying for my team,” says that it is so. «Zudem sind Erfahrung and Können bei der Käseherstellung better eingesetzt.» The regular quality control is carried out by the chef: Girardin carries out the testing of the test probe during the tasting.

After two months the Tête de Moine in 13 Kilometers in Saint-Imier became popular. In the Fromagerie Spielhofer, the kitchen comes with the sogenant relations with Schliff, before – almost four months after the milk of the kitchen – the Rosettes are abolished. Dieser Prozess mittlerweile met machine Unterstützung statt. The packaging material is a clean hand: Big Finger and a safe way to be fragmented: Nur de schönsten Tête de Moine Röseli buys a Fine Food range at Coop.

It is a bezahlter Beitrag. Once it is inhaled, an opportunity has arisen and can be carried out.