
Foodwatch report 24: Kritik am Greenwashing der Milchindustrie

Foodwatch report 24: Kritik am Greenwashing der Milchindustrie

De Verbraucherschutzorganisation foodwatch fordert, de Anzahl der Milchkühe in Deutschland zu halbieren. A good report has been published about the entire lobby group “Initiative Milch” Greenwashing. Martin Thiel

The Milchbranche right in the climbing environment, the level will be increased by effective climate protection, and the Initiative Milch versucht with unreführender Werbung the Missstände zu vertuschen. That is the core of the previous food watch in the Milchmärchen report 2024.
In Wahrheit, Tierhaltung emissions in Germany are therefore becoming higher as the Milchlobby suggests in an emerging PR campaign. The best from the experts at Potsdam Institutes for Climate Research. Ensure that milk production continues. During a filtration of the Milchwirtschaft, 10% of the German climate control Treibhausgas emissions could be reduced, so that Foodwatch. Weideflächen must be renaturiert and more versatile environmentally friendly alternatives.
The Milch Initiative of Molkereien and Milchbäuerinnen is adopted. the broader perspective of climate protection is not suitable for a simple dialogue and concrete fell for the climbing protection in your area.

MT ARD Kompetenzcenter Klima