
Space42 debuts on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange with Fusion from Bayanat and Yahsat

Space42 debuts on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange with Fusion from Bayanat and Yahsat

  • Space42 is a new AI power supply with Sitz in the Arab Emirates, the satellite communication, geodata analysis and intelligent combination of intelligence.
  • Space42 is working on the development of the UAE’s Raumfahrt and KI Strategy with a great strategic Vorteil for the diversification of the Wirtschaft of the Landes.
  • Peng Xiao, CEO of the G42 Group, rang the Opening Glocke of ADX, one of the most important Meilenstein securities.
  • Space42 is linked to the ADX while the Kürzel “SPACE42” is traded.

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirate, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Space42 (ADX: SPACE42) once traded on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX), after the Fusion von Bayanat, a fuhrenden Anbieter von KI-gestützten Geodatenlösungen, and Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PJSC (Yahsat), who are responsible for providing satellite solutions in the United Arab Emirates, have since been absolved. Space42 is the new AI-controlled Raumfahrtunternehmen of the UAE with global Reichsweite.

During the combination of fortschrittlichen geodatenanalyse von Bayanat und de führenden Satellitenkommunikation von Yahsat met KI-Fähigkeiten is Space42 in der Lage, die wie wieder neuer des Gerätsbehren des Geräts Gerätlichen Raumfahrtindustrie industry. The combined Fähigkeiten biet Regierungen, Unternehmen und Kommunen voor Ortschrittliche Business-Intelligence-Lösungen.

Space42 is led by Karim Michel Sabbagh as Managing Director and flies in the second division: Yahsat Space Services and Bayanat Smart Solutions. The Unternehmensbereich of Yahsat Space Services under the leadership of Yahsat CEO Ali Al Hashemi is concentrating on the Upstream Satellite involvement for the party and the mobile satellite services. The Unternehmensbereich Bayanat Smart Solutions under the leadership of Managing Director Hasan Al Hosani integrates the Erfassung and Verarbeitung of Geodaten with the AI-managed Multi-Intelligence-Plattform gIQ. The expert team of each individual will eventually be able to integrate their own internal processes into their own processes, improve their data and enhance their operational efficiency. The Fuhrungsteam has hired Andrew Cole as Chief Financial Officer.

Anlässlich die Meilensteins erklärte Seine Exzellenz Mansoor Al Mansoori, Chairman of Space42: „The Gründung of Space42 is another Schritt nach vorn, nicht nur for our Unternehmen, sonondern for the Vision of the UAE, a weltweit führende Rolle in the Bereichen KI and Raumfahrttechnologie zu übernehmen. During the joining of the strongholds of Bayanat and Yahsat they were separated from the Boundaries of the Machbaren. Space42 will redefine the technology of space travel technology and charge it with the world, a journey of the imagination, the future, the innovation and the unbridled possibilities to begin.’

Karim Michel Sabbagh, CEO of Space42, fugte hinzu: „Space42 insures the space industry, reimburses for the completion and major adjustments of Bayanat and Yahsat optimization. The project mirrors the UAE’s proactive development more broadly, integrating AI and wellness technology, a solution found is positive for the developed enterprise. Due to the innovative, innovative and cost-efficient products and services of Space42, which was founded by Raumfahrt and KI, the increasing Anforderungen are no longer offered.”

Abdulla Salem Alnuaimi, Group CEO of Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX), said: “Innovation is a separate driving force for growth and a long-term undertaking. Due to the new generation of Space42, now one of the ADX listing companies, one of the most recent Meilenstein is no longer for the UAE, but also for the global Space Technology and AI Industry. ADX is worth it, one of the next developments from Bayanat and Yahsat aims to take advantage of the fact that Space42 is now away as new AI entrepreneurs to study. These investments bring new investments and a lot of mocking, Abu Dhabi’s ambitions in the market sector are reinforced and expanded with the entire Economic Strategy of the countries involved. “Wir heißen Space42 as a new Mitglied of the ADX-Familie will come here and be striven for, all our first Issuers in their Wachstum and their Entwicklung zu unterstützen.”

Hasan Al Hosani, CEO of Bayanat Smart Solutions, comments on what follows:“Space42 is committed to transforming the wellness technology sector. The Zusammenschluss of Bayanat and Yahsat set new standards for innovation. While the vision of the UAE in the field of intelligence (AI) and welfare technology in the Low Countries continues, the achievements will no longer be the business activities of the industry in the ganzenwelt dish, without there being any of a superlative degree. One of the Schnittstelle technology and research methods with space42 construction bridges, the weltweit Fortschritt inspires and positive changes. Our mission is for Weltraum technology and AI to make a valuable contribution to the development of the UAE as a Vorreiter and to promote the activities in the global Weltraumwirtschaft that are important in this area.”

Ali Al Hashemi, CEO of Yahsat Space Services, still:: “Our future chapters with Space42 have been appreciated by our colleagues in Innovations. Space42 offers a number of simple solutions and services, with the industry connecting to the machine. The strengthened teams strengthen innovation and set new standards for excellence in the field of world technology. It is not the case that there is a modern satellite infrastructure that covers 80 percent of the world’s population. With the idea that the Meilensteins for the UAE and the industry of their existence and the restructuring operations will become a strong kraft for a positive company.”

The UAE has established a strong position in the AI ​​and Weltraum industry, and Space42 is now active, the technology entity can be further developed and the countries’ position as a regional market leader and more global activities will continue to grow. Space42 will work on the development of the UAE, the vision of the National Wellbeing Strategy 2030 and the AI ​​Strategy 2031 that is in place. As part of the company, production will commence in the country and the UAE will position its operations in the corporate world of the market. This involvement starts with national capital and investments, new generations of Raumfahrt and KI Engineers and experts in a dynamic and fast-paced financing sector.

Space42 (ADX: SPACE42) is one of the UAE’s AI-driven space traffic tunnels, the satellite communications, geodata analysis and advanced intelligence combination, one of the first vom Weltraum from its efforts. Space42 was founded in 2024 after the successful fusion of Bayanat and Yahsat and is a global Reichsweite in the Lage, which can implement business signals in Regierungen, Unternehmen and Communes for Ort zu as quickly as possible. Space42 is available in two different areas: Yahsat Space Services and Bayanat Smart Solutions. Yahsat Space Services is committed to upstream satellite involvement for the party and mobile satellite reception. Bayanat Smart Solutions integrates the Erfassung and Verarbeitung of Geodaten with smart Intelligenz, a separation discovery of substützen, the low costs are extended and the operational Effizienz are scaffolding. Hauptaktions from Space42 and G42, Mubadala and IHC.

More information at Follow our X @Space42ai and Instagram @Space42ai.

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