
Lucerne Festival Orchestra with Elbphilharmonie-Debüt

Lucerne Festival Orchestra with Elbphilharmonie-Debüt

Vom Flughafen directly on the world-wide stage: The Lucerne Festival Orchestra was presented differently by the Elbphilharmonie-Debüt

The Lucerne Festival Orchestra went on to enjoy a long break on tour, played in Hamburg and Paris, in concerts, with critical and public audiences.

Eben noch im Flugzeug – en schon geht's auf die Bühne der Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg: Musiker und Musikerinnen des Lucerne Festival Orchestra am Samstagabend.

Eben noch im Flugzeug – en schon geht’s auf die Bühne der Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg: Musiker und Musikerinnen des Lucerne Festival Orchestra am Samstagabend.

Image: Patrick Hürlimann / Lucerne Festival

At 3:30 PM at the end of the day, after fun-filled moments of anxiety and fear, the consequences are unresolved: “cancel” – “absagen”. At 10 o’clock the Charter Flug für die Hundertschaft des Lucerne Festival Orchestra von Paris nach Hamburg will start sollen, but neither immer ist kein Flugzeug in Sicht, at 20 o’clock aber Konzertbeginn in der prestigeträchtigen, 2016 vom Basler Architekturbüro Herzog & de Meuron erbauten Elbphilharmonie. Statt with the Anspielprobe hocken Orchestra, Soloist Daniel Lozakovich with his million-dollar Stradivari, Conductor Riccardo Chailly and Intendant Michael Haefliger aber immer nor in schmucklosen Abflugterminal, holen Trost in Selbstbedienungskaffee, träumen in small Duty-free-Shop of the large duftenden Welt and the like kaal verzweifelt Leseunterhaltung im kleineen Kiosk. Bleiben stoisch cool.

Zum Glück gibt es auf der Habenseite noch die Erinnerung und de grossen Vorabend in Paris. Irina Simon-Renes, the son of the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, said with glowing eyes: «Das Konzert gab mir so velde Flügel, so veld Energie. In those dunklen Zeiten I think it is so much more important that this moment is of total light and beautiful power. Now, because of this, everything has been accomplished.” Müdigkeit? If you struggle with the quality of the All-Star-Orchestras, then it is a sausage, but it is not so difficult to find the man you choose, but not: «Der connected spirit is still busy with: Im Lucerne Festival Orchestra is a reflection of the musicians in general performances.» It is an indisputable part of the urban orchestra. «Schauen Sie gestern bei Rachmaninov: Eine Leistung auf diesem Niveau erreichen nicht velde Orchester.» Die Geigerin concretet, dass man here sei, weil man here sein wolle, nicht weil man müsse: «No one plays with material things.»

The Pariser criticism isn’t really true

The Orchestra performed Rachmaninov’s “Sinfonic Tänze” at the KKL in the summer, and Jean Sibelius’ violin concerto must be studied anew with the 23-year-old soloist Daniel Lozakovich. First on Thursday, the Hundertschaft aus aller Welt in Paris ended.

Lucerne Festival Intendant Michael Haefliger and Lucerne Festival Orchestra Chief Conductor Riccardo Chailly at the first Probe am Donnerstag in Paris.

Lucerne Festival Intendant Michael Haefliger and Lucerne Festival Orchestra Chief Conductor Riccardo Chailly at the first Probe am Donnerstag in Paris.

Image: Patrick Hürlimann / Lucerne Festival

Viel Zeit, um Paris zu sehen, bleibt den Musikern nicht. It’s in the subway where it stinks, but it’s not good. Zauberhaft bleibt es, wie dieser Welt von den Schönheiten in der Oberwelt kanden, soda man beim Wiederaufsteeigen gar nicht white, in Welches Museum or Theater man alsbald gehen soll. The Konzert der Luzerner is a puzzle piece in an exciting Angebot.

Donizetti’s premiere “Fille du Régiment” will be performed at the Opéra Bastille at Donnerstag. The garments of jeans and T-shirts, of jeans and krawatten, the singer is transformed from the overloaded, zur Primadonna reifted Julie Fuchs to the legend Felicity Lott first Garde, der Jubel überborded. And yet again in time: The best is in Paris. This Anspruch-muss sich auch the Luzerner Orchester at night outside messenger.

Anyone who has attended the opera in the Pariser Philharmonie die Gesellschaft am Freitagabend bunt gemischt, das Publikum was younger than in Lucerne or Zurich. Kein Wunder, which is funded by the state, costs 80 euros, while during the summer of the Lucerne Festival it can only cost 80 euros, which may be the case with the Schweizer Orchestra during the years. Der Saal an der Grenze zur Banlieue is one of the most modern cultural-political affairs and this price is full.

Die Nächte kurz, die Reisen lang, am Abend Weltklasseleistung gefragt

In the role of the concertmasters, Raphael Christ is a Freitagabend singer and vocalist. On Samstagmorgen with Frühstück at 7.15 am, it has been a long time since the hand is full with three inhalbjährigen, when he comes to the Frühstücksbarhocker, he straightens the Brötchen, that it all becomes smaller like the Papagei on a Teller an der Wand.

If it is small, it will be about 7.45 am on the bus, the Charterflug Paris-Hamburg finishes at 10 am. The life of an orchestra musician on tour is a double offer: The night is gone, the journey is long, but the world class is still alive. And then nor das Kind dabei? “That’s the way it is, that’s the way it is, that’s the end of the family,” said Christ, laughing. There is no light now, but play in the Lucerne Festival Orchestra with Mamma, Grandpa, Schwiegeroma and an Aunt with.

At 9.45 o’clock at noon there will be more papagei. Orchestra manager at Christiane Weber goes on a Stuhl, drums the Hundertschaft together and plays in the Rund: «Unser Flugzeug ist defect: We fly at 15 Uhr, kaal gibt es Sandwiches, Wasser und Snacks.»

“They always know, including the best Bar in the Nähe des Hotels Steht”

When the Wort no longer works, Reinhold Friedrich says that it is so clear: The Orchester-Leitwolf white, was zu tun ist. Die Cafetaria ist sein Ziel: «I knew, because the Schlange gleich was long changed», said there is space and also there gleich, who follows auf Tourneen sonst de Leuten des Mahler Chamber Orchestra: «They always know, wo that best Bar in the neighborhood of the Hotels Steht or Welches Restaurant am the longest offen hat.» Tour, that’s always a pleasure to enjoy, that’s (night) life. Before studying a score, Friedrich started playing with Dämpfer zu üben, a schliesslich play in Tokyo kale Mieczysław Weinberg’s Trompetenkonzert.

Two Concertmasters and Chief Conductors: Raphael Christ, Riccardo Chailly and Gregory Ahss in Pariser Flughafen.

Two Concertmasters and Chief Conductors: Raphael Christ, Riccardo Chailly and Gregory Ahss in Pariser Flughafen.

Image: Patrick Hürlimann / Lucerne Festival

Auch Gregory Ahss, Konzertmeister of the Lucerne Sinfonieorchesters, of the Camerata Salzburg and the Lucerne Festival Orchestra, had neither Minutes for the performances Flug prophetically speaking: «I experienced conductors, who performed the Interpretation of the Acoustic at 180 Grad. At the end of the day’s diesel message, there is a completely different road.» Ahss lobt the chef Chailly, who is Zukunft in Lucerne nor uncertain, said: “There is a very clear vision. Ich weiss nicht, were the grossen Conductors so productive. In two minutes Chailly can have a problem. There is a leader, who has an unimportant clause.” We see the atmosphere of the atmosphere disappear – and the image is so damaged. Man could not create clarity and wait for a long time, but the stage was then everything new: «We lived there, played under first then we knew it, we knew it. tun müssen. It is clear that this is not the case, but then it is a new washer in the pool.»

Kurz for the Katastrofe streut Beethoven with Wunder

Orchestra manager at Christiane Weber takes care of the washer for Halse. Sie revennet: 16 Uhr Abflug, 17 Uhr Ankunft, 18.15 Uhr im Hotel, 19.15 Uhr im Saal, Anspielprobe, Pause, 20 Uhr Konzert. It’s not over. Bare heisst is Abflug 17 Uhr and the Wort «absagen» ist hörbar. Three Holzbläser games ad hoc, the hectic World of the Terminals still remains – and Beethoven streut seine Wunder: Abflug gegen 16.30 Uhr!

The hectic World of the Terminals stands still, Beethoven streut seine Wunder: Abflug gegen 16.30 Uhr!

The hectic World of the Terminals stands still, Beethoven streut seine Wunder: Abflug gegen 16.30 Uhr!

Image: Patrick Hürlimann

The time has finally come that the bus comes directly from the Flughafen to the Elbphilharmonie at 7 p.m., the music looks like a pizza in the Mund. If it is such a big problem, it is in the world of the sea with Heiklen acoustic coast, that the blessing is the best messenger. Der Kritiker des Hamburger «Abendblatts» said in Foyer nicht ohne Stolz: «Where in Lucerne a Weltklasse in the summer in a Monat zu erleben ist, here jewels in the Laufe has a Jahres auch. Very interesting, the Lucerne Festival Orchestra first made its debut here.» Umso spannter since there and die 2100 Besucher.

2100 Besucher in der Elphilharmonie in Hamburg beklatschen das Luzerner Orchester.

2100 Besucher in der Elphilharmonie in Hamburg beklatschen das Luzerner Orchester.

Image: Patrick Hürlimann

I would take a critical look at the sympathy for the Lucerne with previous lessons: «Alles geschafft, not alles konont», it is worth it. But neither is it Samstag: der Jubel gross, Rachmaninov is famous. Riccardo Chailly, beer bottle in hand and a siegerlächeln in sight, gives an answer: «These schrecklichen are sad since forgotten, Ihr hat with Freude and Leidenschaft musiziert – thank you! We will look forward to seeing you soon.» During the spontaneous Jubilee Speech that noted the Intendant of the Pressefrau and the Freude of Journalists, the leadership for the Festival Orchestra was established in the summer of 2025.

Wer weiss, the light fell on the Tournee and a new basis for the Zukunft des Festivalorchesters, and for the Lucerne Festival.