
For small and large Krümelmonster: Halloween American

For small and large Krümelmonster: Halloween American

As in a friendly war, even in the 90s, our own transformation parties were great parties for our lives. Die Deko, de Spiele, de Kostüme – everything is possible. Then I became bigger – and it would be even more uncool. If you’ve seen the Halloween trend, you can do that too. And he thinks so: Das Geisterevent is who Fasching is – nur fell cooler.

If the decor is from the Hammer, the costs become whiter and it is a Halloween recipe. It’s not all that horrible for my mother, but also when I use Finger with Kunstblut and therefore more pleasant and nondescript Dinge. Wie my Amerikaner with Keks-Erdkrümeln and Gummiwurm-Deko. Perfect to complement the Halloween party in Kita.

Zutaten for 14 Halloween Americans

For den Teig:

75 g warm butter80 g Zucker1 Päckchen Vanillezucker1 Price Salz2 Egg250 g Mehl3 strichene TL Backpulver100 ml Milch+ Milch zum Bestreichen

For the decoration:

Spritzbeutel10 filled SchokokekseGummiwürmer200 g GlaszuckerWasser


1. Den Backofen op 180 Grad Ober-Unterhitze vorheizen.

2. Two backbleche with mature backing paper.

3. The warm butter with Zucker, Vanillezucker and Salz in a Rührschüssel geben and schumig aufschlagen.

4. Die Eier dazugeben und unterrühren.

5. Mix and pulverize the mixture with the milk in the stirring bowl.

6. The homogeneous part in the spritzbeutel full and 14 Kreise on the backpaper invested Backbleche – dabei auf reichend Abstand eighten

7. Jedes Blech nacheinander backen 13-15 minutes. If you leave Americans after 10 minutes of return time with mild care, you will return to your destination.

8. The American comes out of the weld.

9. Aus Glasurzucker und Wasser dickflüssigen Zuckerguss anrühren.

10. Those Schokokekse halbiers and the complete rauskratzen.

11. The Keks-Hälften in a deep fryer and with a Nudelholz small roller.

12. The American with the Zuckerguss bestreichen, with the Kekskrümeln bestreuen and with two Gummiwürmern verzieren.

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