
Deal closed: Darum invests DHDL-Löwe ​​​​Tillman Schulz but not in Bae

Deal closed: Darum invests DHDL-Löwe ​​​​Tillman Schulz but not in Bae

With a great deal, the Gründerinnen of the Haferriegel Startups are involved in a shared work with “Mr. Food” – Juror Tillman Schulz.

    Laura Schmidel (27) and Lorena Unterrader (25) propose in Präbiotika-Riegel.

Laura Schmidel (27) and Lorena Unterrader (25) propose in Präbiotika-Riegel.
RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer

Judge Tillman Schulz is skeptical – he hasn’t started the pitch yet. “Make your bite matter”, is the motto of Startups Bae. Dass Bae is a Haferriegel, the largest design of the design has been created. But let’s face it, Schulz hesitates: “Riegel is fine. The USP cannot recognise“. Trotzdem is the end of my life, which invests in “neither einen Riegel”.

Lorena Unterrader and Laura Schmidel are childhood friends. One of our relationships is a joint venture for a year. 2018 started with an Urlaub in Mexico with the Vorgängerproduct from Bae: a Rohkostriegel with Tamarind. When the product comes out of the Studium, it will be removed. So entsteht der Bae-Riegel. „Bae“ steht in der Jugendsprache für „Before anywhere/anything else“ en wurde 2016 in Deutschland op Platz zwei der Jugendwörter gewählt. De Grundzutaten des Riegels sind Hafermehl, Nussmus, Buchweizen, Kokosblütensirup und – fünf Gramm Präbiotika.


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Präbiotika – in Endeffekt Ballaststoffe

Einfach gsagt: Präbiotika sind Nahrung für Probiotika. Probiotic bacteria are microorganisms that die in our lives and in life-threatening cases. If you want to do the dubbing, you can do so. Probiotic bacteria stabilize the intestinal flora and strengthen our immune system. Probiotic discoveries are made in Joghurt, Käse or fermenting Lebensmitteln. It is a fact that it is stated on Bae’s internet site, “unverdauliche Ballaststoffe, die Wachstum nutzlicher Bakterien in Darm fördern”.

Please note, if you use a bulking agent, the man can go through normal operation if he is no longer able to. Allerdings, so most appreciated by Bae-Gründerin Unterrader, is now a lone Riegel, the joint Präbiotika-Bedarf a gezen Tages ab. In the Bae-Riegel, Präbiotika occurs in the form of tapioca phase dextrin and agave inulin.

With ihrem Präbiotika-Riegel seien sie in Deutschland “die Vorreiter”, so Unterrader in der aktuellen Folge Die Höhle der Löwen. Löwe Tillman Schulz unterstützt diese Aussage: “In America, the Regale is completely damit, aber in Europe, but there will be no law in England.”


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The Gründerinnen are also not newly financed, but woolen with their haferriegel on the market in the DACH region and long-lasting in Europe. Deshalb liege ihr Fokus auch nicht auf monetärer unterstützung, sonondern darauf, a strategic investor you find, who develops his marketing and marketing activities. For the Vertrieb sei das Ziel, dass der Riegel in Drogerien Fuß fast. Bae products can produce their products in its own children’s company. The price is 1.99 Euro for Riegel and 2.19 Euro for the Bites. Damit helps those Gründerinnen achieve 60,000 Euro in the new month. For 20 Prozent Firmenanteile for the Gründerinnen 180,000 Euro.

Raubtierfütterung – den Löwen schmeckts

The Taste Test is a wild Durcheinander: Jeder beißt mal beidem ab en der hunger Ralf Dümmel erattert sogar nor an extra Riegel. All three types, “Brownie Haselnuss”, “Banana Schoko Crunch” and “Apfel Crunch Zimt” end up in the lower intestine. Konsistenz and Geschmack were lobbed and the “Creamy Bites”, run by Kugeln with a whiter core, received some positive feedback. “I have become my own person, so creamy is the core,” says Jurorin Tijen Onaran.

Nils Glagau lobs the Marke, estimates the USP “Präbiotika” as a small thing. Auch für Onaran comes to an investment cousin in Frage. The market has expanded and it has become more money to bring a legacy.


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Dümmel: Lob für Ausstrahlung statt Product

Dümmel is more than cultured, the results and the results of both Gründerinnen zu commentieren, as the product in itself: “That is both very good, man notes”. “Bei der Antwort immer ein Lächeln mit” and “ihr habt een sehr, sehr positive Ausstrahlung”, said the investor. A deal was never closed, but a lot of Riegel is being invested. Daraufhin clearly stated to Co-Gründerin Unterrader: “We plan more products, with Kakaodrinks und Cookies mit Präbiotika”. Dümmel nuschelt nur, dass der Wettkampf in dem Bereich auch was not even appreciated – for the fact that the Sache is erempted. Auch Janna Ensthaler found a trap in nature, thinks about it, that it is good and that it is bad.

Everything is correct and also agrees with this – from the Co-Juroren tauften –, “Mr. Food“, Tillman Schulz, grinned in his Notizbuch-blickt. The debtor’s power is great and concrete, the market is running a health care food product extremely hard, and the Riegel with its Geschmack-überzeugt-hätten. “I can make the puzzle game, with my Unternehmensgruppe, if I am, a product is easier to make”. There are the Gründerinnen with an amount of 180,000 Euro, all for 25 Prozent statt 20 Prozent der Firmenanteile, an.


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Schulz über Verhandlungsstrategie der Gründerinnen

Unterrader and Schmidel see their own selves. After the meeting, the two Gründerinnen come with a statement: “Wir could not let us go, aber…” – But the “aber” is not a matter of time and will come to pass. “Stop! We are still in a bad situation,” says Schmidel. “We are still going to continue to have fun with our own business of 5,000 lists.” That is not the case with Schulz. A first step has been taken. “, it says calmly – but then: “Aber ich finde das gut! So, no matter how good it is, no matter how long it has been before a deal was made.” “Wir drei Blondies – super!”, said that there was a great way to make the two Gründerinnen überschwänglich. After the Gründerinnen have left the Show, Schulz, nor always überrascht of the Verhandlungsskills of the two young Frauen, says: “Abwewichst, aber geil“. Onaran entgegnet trocken: “Ne, ‘die haben Balls’ würde man da sagen.”

The following descriptions follow the show: Trotz geballter „Blondie“-Power and so the deal stood out after the show, but not side by side. Gründerzene hat both der Gründerinnen nachhakhak. Weiter trades with Schulz after the show, there are reports. Aber: “It is a positive development that wool will investigate.” Immediately after the introduction of the product, the feedback from the individual is that the attention of start-ups is new woolen trade.

“I don’t have any funds.” Nowadays the Gründerinnen come for: Mittlerweile bietet Bae den in de Show bereits angekündigten Trinkkakao and a Präbiotika-Proteinpulver in a Pre-Sale an. If you eat a dish, do it with Cookie-Geschmack and the Pistacchio-Bite in the range. For a long time you have seen the international development of startups.