
Recycling differently: In Diesem Windrad wohnen jetzt Menschen

Recycling differently: In Diesem Windrad wohnen jetzt Menschen

After 20 years in the air, the gondola must now die in Wohnraum.

(Vattenfall)After 20 years in the air, the gondola must now die in Wohnraum.

The energy provider Vattenfall has breathed new life into Thema Recycling and revived another Windrad with a Design Studio. In Zukunft it is a Zuhause for two people.

During the Dutch Design Week, Vattenfall presented four Konzepte zum Recycling von Windkraftanlagen. While the houses of the turbines and works of art are inhabited, which arose from the dating, the turbines in the nutzungsdauern can be sweeter, the energy provider in a building for a Tiny House in the Windrads world. In a press conference of the Unternehmen, the little House was everything possible.

Gondola would be fully assembled Tiny House

The barrel trap and the Design Studio are super used for the conversion quickly 20 Jahre alte Gondel of a V80-2MW turbine. Windrad’s war since 2005 in the eastern wind farm in Gols in Gebrauch. Dort arranged the gondola in a height of 100 meters with easy access to the house. However, the living room became unusable.

The Tiny House consists of a kitchen, a bath and a living house. A hot water pump, solar collectors and a solar hot water system provide power and energy. Proud of the small ones Great entspricht the umgebaute Gondel de Bauvorschrifts and cann as Living enjoyed.

Recycling can become more valuable in Zukunft

The Gondola recycling idea is a more interesting story. It is a big challenge to carry out a wind energy storage and make a different kind of spoiled one. It is no longer energy intensive, there is a different function of the metal or concrete component, of the foundation, the tower, the tiles and the generator. It may be that the wind blowing time is beginning or that aberrations are being performed.

Thomas Hijort, Innovation Director at Vattenfall, explains: “Wir suchen nach innovationn Wegen, wie man Materialien aus gebrauchten Turbinen most complete indulgence kann.” The design of the Tiny House is now a Möglichkeit. Gleichzeitig ebnet such a complex problem with the conversion of a house on the road for a powerful recycling solution. This deals with the prototype of the smallest Gondola. Large cable cars can also be used in residential construction.