
Einzigartiges Experiment: Who wirkt sich Trockenheit in Schweizer Wald aus

Einzigartiges Experiment: Who wirkt sich Trockenheit in Schweizer Wald aus

View of a Föhrenwald

The experiment in the Pfynwald in Canton Valais is the first that is possible in the Boden and Lufttrockenheit simulation.

Keystone / Valentin Flauraud

Climate walking and Trockenheit change the Wälder weltweit and increase its health, CO2 emissions. Welche Baumarten loves the climate of the future? A lonely experiment in a Swiss forest such as Antworten.

The warming climate presented Bäume with a difficult dilemma. “You must be separated, you must endure or die,” says Markus Schaub of the Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (WSL).

The exclusion of diesel separation is no longer possible in Boden, during a higher and more intensive period of research.

It is a phenomenon that has not been so prevalent in climbing, as the insight into science has played an important role in the racing and flächendeckenden Rückgang der Wälder on all continentsplaysExternal link: der «Luftdurst» (or the atmospheric Trockenheit).

When the temperature is higher, the water can suck in more air in the form of water vapor. Warme Luft is “durstig” and sees the Blättern and the Boden more brightly.

The Pflanze are also separated, because the microscopic pores on the Blattoberfläche (the spaltöffnungen thus generated) are less good, one of the photosynthesis and the inactive CO2 emissions, or if you see that schliesst, the wasserverlust of the verringern .

The Waldynamiker Markus Schaub will work together with others on how the Baum reacts and how the Luftdurst works on the Ökosystem Wald.

A very nice experimentExternal linkWhen the Pfynwald began at the end of August, the great Föhrenwald of the Swiss Alps in the south-west of the Landes began, so the physiological mechanisms were opened, which zum Absterben a Pflanze führen.

In this video see more here:

The air duration – in the ‘vapor pressure defect’ or the VPD – never increases exponentially with temperature. Keep the air temperature on a heat source from 25°C to 35°C (40% temperature), the VPD is 80%.

This exponentielle Anstieg is the first kürzlich von der Research entdeckt be, concreted Schaub. «The atmosphere of the Trockenheit can be very beautiful with the Bodentrockenheit.»

The VPD no longer works in Bäume Physiology. It is a matter of soil dilution and one of the highest risks for the WaldbrändeExternal link and a return through the landwirtschaftlichen ErträgeExternal link brought into connection.

Die Luft in Europa was nor so trocken wie heute, so an Ende letzten Jahres veröffentlichte StudieExternal linkin the 1600s, in the 1600s, in the war.

Research has been done into the Trockenheit for everything in the Ebenen Mitteleuropas, the Alps and the Pyrenees.

Another example of the VPD is the Waldfunktionen that undertake the holistic organization and the curriculum binding activities, such as Kerstin Treydite, WSL-Forscherin and Autorin der Studie. A higher VPD that washes the Bäumen more and reduces the water mass would be more efficient.

“This is due to the lack of security for climate regulation and the future sustainability of the environment and agriculture,” says Treydite.

Wälder always absorbs less CO2

The climate warming is carried out, the only Baumarten in the air outsideExternal link A problem with the Schädlinge is that the Beispiel is the Borkenkäfer name Buchdrucker.

Trockenstress during the high temperatures and high temperature 2019 in the verschiedene region of Switzerland with a brown and buchensterben. Der vom Menschen verursachte Klimawandel isht auch die Waldbrandgefahr.

“We still see everything: The production is never exponential,” said the Pflanzenökologin Charlotte Grossiord of the Eidgenössischen Technische Hochschule Lausanne (EPFL).

Weniger Bäume bedeuten auch weniger Kohlenstoff, der in der Vegetation bedeuten wird. Wälder absorbs four without CO2 emissionsExternal link and gilts like Kohlenstoffsenken.

Zahlreiche Studien says that, that is the world of the world, from Amazonas to the forest regions of North America and EuropeExternal linklet the CO2 be sucked up. If you want it to emit more CO2 when you suck it inExternal link.

The discharge and emission of CO2 releases the amount of CO2 emissions and greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. The emissions, which take place during the Waldbrände in Canada, from May to September 2023, entsprechen the emissions, the country in Germany produced in a year, so an active studyExternal link.

An abbranter Wald

The Waldbrände in Canada 2023 (das Bild said an abgebrannten Wald in Squilax, British Columbia) turned 4% of the Waldfläche des Landes.


De Bedeutung der Waldverjüngung und des Erhalts älterer Wälder

When the Wälder was no longer like that, Kohlenstoff probably fell a bit more bisher, the climbing became more supportive, Grossiord said.

The circulation of the Wälder von Kohlenstoffsenken in emissions squellen is a global problem, which is the best solution for Switzerland. “That’s not possible, that’s not possible”, so the Expertin.

A trend that focuses on the strategies that form the broader state of affairs of the Wälder base, so Grossiord. Intended to prevent all trees in an area of ​​nature from falling and naturally regenerating. What matters is that there is much more Wälder, which dies in the large biomass mixture and the Kohlenstoff speichern.

+ Die Schweiz experiments with the Wald der Zukunft

“The Untersuchung der Auswirkungen of the VPD on the Wälder ermöglicht is one, the Absterben of Bäumen are voorherzusage and Baumarten to identify themselves, the tolerant gegenüber dem Klimawandel sind”, said Grossiord.

«So when you turn off Baumarten, it is important that the temperature and the temperature go up. Die Vielfalt der Baumarten, de Dichte des Waldes und de Schaffung von Wasserrückhaltegräben in Boden since Faktoren, de beitragen, meer Wasser in Boden zu halten.»

A woman for a Wald

The VPD’s assistance to the Wälder helps, while they carry out the climatological activities on the health care of the foreign economy, says Charlotte Grossiord, director of Labor for the Pflanzenökologie and the EPFL.

Keystone / Valentin Flauraud

Welche Baumarten believes that the world’s climate is the best?

The experiment in Pfynwald is now a Baumart, the Föhre. The Ergebnisse reads from other Baumarten-übertragen, said Nate McDowell, Geowissenschaftler at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, a Research Institute of the US-Regierung.

“If you research the results you can find, you can employ the VPD members of the VPD,” says McDowell, SWI

The ergebnisse of the Forschung in der Schweiz became more and more involved, the model of the Entwicklung of the Kohlenstoff- and Wasserkreisläufe would be expanded, which for the Life on the Erde of grundlegender Beddeutung sind. Das Experiment launched until 2028.

Editiert von Sabrina Weiss, Übertragung aus dem Italienisch: Christian Raaflaub


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