
BCD Travel-Umfrage zu Flugreisen » news | tip

BCD Travel-Umfrage zu Flugreisen » news | tip

Komfort und preisgestaltung inflüssen das Buchungsverhalten von Reisenden am stärksten: So die important Ergebnisse der Aktuellen Umphage. BCD travel hand out the report of the “Traveler Survey Report” with a travel report and an advice on Herausforderungen that lead the Verhalten and the fried journey of the trip to their book and their travel destination in the future. Befragung wurden in August 2024 insgesamt over 1,300 travelers, who wandered in the ruins and were traveling with their own luggage.

Ergebnisse des Traveler Survey Reports

Die Umphrage says it is a journey for Komfort that is separated. Quickly half of the fragmented travel trips for the Sitzplatzauswahl. If you pick up a pack and a hand pack, there is no charge if you don’t get a Flugpreis. Priority Boarding, along with an enjoyable journey and safe control of the journey, is another way to travel, which is separate from the journey. Was the breakdown and storage long separated from half of the journey as a rule for complete or teilweise erstattungsfähige tickets, a trip interruption or a flexible trip planning to travel. Four of the fragments separate from each other for the most sought-after paintable option, a suspension of dump or umtauschbedingungen.

Final flush factors:

51% of the trip is stimulated if the price plays a major role in the Buchung geschäftlicher Flüge spielt. The large flow has an investment and run-off effect that influences the Flugdauer by 71%, the travel direction line of the Arbeitgebers takes 49% as an inflow factor.

Traveler and service class:

The happiness of your travels will benefit you from your long-distance travel between the two days. Now 3% set for your ultimate journey in flight. On the Kurzstreckenflügen (among these flights) 88% of the trips fly in Economy Class, in Premium Economy and Business Class only 9% bzw. 3%. Less than half of the passengers fly long-haul in Economy Class, two or three times in Premium Economy, three or more times in Business Class.


Direct flight has a high degree of adverse impact with 66% of travel broadcasts. When you want to make more connections with a trip, you can take a trip with your flight or your own wash water. These American companies are positive about the environment, compensate their emissions and reduce the decline. Hinges that are no longer a travel flute with the lowest CO2 emissions. Nur 16% are selected on the flight. The difference between travelers is such that it is not or only part of the environmental factors that result in a late separation with higher costs.

Zufriedenheit der Reisenden:

More than two Drittel since with the Travel Directive and the preferred Suppliers of their Unternehmens sehr or eher zfrieden. Three travel problems were reported when booking a flute. One of the previous years is that you can prepare for the trip you can take (with a seat or Priority Boarding) and your travel guideline is no longer suitable for the protection of the arbitration. A nice company has used carefree sofa stools, no service classes or billigfluggesellschaften as their great herausforderungen. Jeder Sechste bemängelt, so that the well-being of the travelers is not clear-cut (z. B. Nachtflüge).

Beim Fliegen sich Reisende vor allem über Verspätungen and Annullierungen, ungestige Flugpläne and unbequeme Sitze. Nur wenige sind unglücklich über mangelnde Beachtung von Nachhaltigkeit or der Einschränkungen der Barrierefreiheit.

Unangenehme Situations

If you raise some situations, where the travel trip makes a trip, you have to do the platzmangel for handbags in the trunk and technical problems with the flight. We would fly more often in the Wetteren, the road to a night flight and the car to a long flight. If there is a situation that is unanswered or uncontrolled, the problem of the trip can be solved, which allows your travel guideline to lead a good trip.

BCD has a Unterstützung function

If you want to take over the bed and costs of your trip, you can prepare your travel program and make a balance of cost control, traveler care and night time. The Program Manager at BCD supports companies with the Überprüfung and active travel guideline. Auch Advito, de Beratungssparte von BCD, ist auf Bewertungen, Benchmarking und Neufassungen von Reiserichtlinien spezialisiert. If there is an update, there is an important communication strategy that kind of ties and prepares the journey. The experts who give advice on helping a strategy, the modern branch of marketing has ended, the information about the journey is already known. (red)