
Warum Unternehmen auf Mitarbeiterentwicklung setzen sollten

Zufriedene und loyal Mitarbeitende lagen maßgeblich zum Unternehmenserfolg bei. Please note that the Mitarbeiterbindung is so strong.


Für Unternehmen is a good team of Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Gleichzeitig posits Teambinding weltweit one of the major Herausforderungen für Firmen dar. Laut a study by McKinsey plans etwa 33 Prozent der Mitarbeitenden in Europa, inhren aktual Job in naher Zukunft zu wechseln.1 In the US the quote is 40 percent and in India it is 60 percent. The next phase of higher fluctuation: Fachwissen in Unternehmen is lost, the costs for new institutions are higher and the lawtbewerbsfähigkeit is gefährdet – ebenso wie der Unternehmenserfolg.

Is it true that people might be able to get a job? A central factor is the good grip and weiterentwicklungs- en Lernmöglichkeiten. It is not that jobs with flexible working models now make a company more interesting, because they are personal and deprived of their business investments.

Erfahrt here, who is a modern weiterbildungsstrategy with Babbel for Business, is long-term talent to stop.

Weiterbildung is the most invisible representation

Due to the traditional tradition, the best of the best with attractive content and the honors that you capture, it will not last long. 94 If you are in the area, if you are in a company, your further active activity is displayed.2 Ensure that Generation Z continues to outpace the Millennials through the enormous growth they are experiencing.

Companies that follow further training and personal development have been given a clear legal framework. If you have developed the ‘Learning & Development’ initiative, company loyalty is no longer one of the scaffolding of the product. Organizations that have developed a strong learning culture ensure that 57 Prozent has higher retention rates.3 The right Weiterbildungsstrategy is clear because of the factors that are important for work as well as for external operations.

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Sprachlernangebote wie jene von Babbel for Business bieten een doppelgangens: Sie decken Kompetenzlücken, fördern de Kommunikation im Team en stärken gleichzeitig das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl der Mitarbeitenden. Virtuelle Curse mit zertifizierten Lehrkräften für verschiedene Sprach levels können beispensweise die Kommunikation in Geschäftssituationen. This can be done in small groups or at an individual target point. The angebotene course finds the disinterested age statistics and the possibilities of technology so extraordinarily flexible for learning. Industry-specific courses are based on the knowledge of language skills, which are the best knowledge of the field, and are based on the basic knowledge of the field.

If you use another language with the Babbel App in the Selbststudium, you will learn the language and gain more knowledge of the language. Vom Schreiben von E-Mails über Networking bis zum Halten von Präsentationen can learn to learn here the skills, which you are, one of the professional situations that involve problems.

Investment in Weiterbildung zahlt sich aus

Research into the 75 results of education, which invest in the education program, make nach kurzer Zeit wirtschaftlich profitable.4 You can save on the costs you may incur during your new installation. Babbel for Business also works with flexible and continuous travel, a new venture that offers new challenges, which offers more possibilities and in a certain situation moves the Arbeitswelt.

In the e-book ‘Optimizing Mitarbeiterbindung: Strategien für nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg’ from Babbel for Business, more time goes into how the Mitarbeiterbindung is expanded and the fluctuation is reduced.

1. McKinsey & Company (2023)↩

2. World Economic Forum (2023)↩

3. LinkedIn Learning (2024)↩

4. McKinsey & Company (2020)↩