
Lindner will brutalize the Bürgergeld-Änderung – all Bezieher are massively affected

Lindner will brutalize the Bürgergeld-Änderung – all Bezieher are massively affected

The next idea from the FDP is that citizen remuneration can increase. Christian Lindner brings a new fierce attack into the game.

+++ Ouch exciting: Citizen money: Bittere Erkenntnis über Rückfallquote – Ukrainian tanzen from the Reihe +++

Two years after the SPD, the Grüne and the FDP won the citizen’s money, the Liberals’ chief will shift the rules.

Lindner will provide Bürgergeld-Regeln massively

Bislang is so that the “Jobcenter the costs for the costs of the company and health care at the higher altitude” is aware of the website of the Federal Agency for Arbeit-heißt. The first year that citizen financial investments are a Karenzzeit. Then the fear for the home can be aroused and it will not entail more costs. It is not an issue with the health costs. They became from Anfang a nur in angemessener Höhe erstattet.

The Minister of Finance will save billions of euros – on the backs of the Bezieher

Finance Minister Christian Lindner is not doing anything. There will no longer be any individual people informed, but will take a break for Living Costs including Heiz costs and costs. The “Wirtschaftswoche” says: “Then you can keep the Leistungsempfänger separate, you will see a smaller Wohnung and who you heizen.” Lindners Soul: through the millions of euros for the Bundeshaushalt einsparen.

Pay attention to the duration of your stay, the Bürgergeld company in smaller properties should be sold less often. If there is a new place, the kitchen may no longer be suitable for a longer stay in the kitchen. Fraglich is also, because of these energetic vorteilhafter wären, obviously in the new living areas womöglich sogar hohere Heizkosten hätten.

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You can take a break with greater regional injustice. In Großstädten wie Hamburg und Munich zahlt man deutlich höhere Mieten als in der Provinz. So those Bürgergeld-Bezieher in Metropolen were neither great losers of the Maßnahme.

SPD Abgeordneter Empört: “Wo lebt der Mann?”

CDU labor market expert Kai Whittaker responded to

There are critical reactions to the SPD day. “The Vorschläge von Lindner zum Bürgergeld is zynisch and verletzen de Würde von Menschen. What is Mann? It was noticed that the Wohnraum would last less often. Billiger = often poorly isolated,” thus the SPD deputy Lars Castellucci on X.

Lindner will obtain the citizen money for the Ukrainian kürzen

The next citizen’s money hammer: Lindner is now busy for a day, while the Ukrainian Kriegsflüchtlinge “retrieves a citizen’s money that it is an existing minimum with a general community of service or otherwise.” I have my own legal status for this group of Leistungsberechtigten vor. Dieser solle die Beistungen für Asylbewerber mit labormarktpolitischen Instrumenten Combinieren