
Warum KI cannot become a job killer for software developers

Warum KI cannot become a job killer for software developers

Thomas Dohmke, chef of Entwickler-Plattform Github, has brought programming on a debt computer to the GDR. It has been said: Mithilfe von KI-Assistenten can use your software entwickler

A career as a programmer is attractive for a long time: good work, good work, easy work. If you do the chat GPT notification, you will give a hint of the job guarantee if you see a fragment, the intelligent intelligence can change the code of the human.

Sollte man himself as a younger person would not even learn to program? Thomas Dohmke, chief executive of Microsoft-Tochter and weltweit größten Entwickler-Plattform Github, said: “Yes, I am not the best yet.”

I was interviewed with Capital Erklärt der gebürtige Ostberliner, with the knowledge and the functionality of the knowledge, which initiates the programmer program and receives a large degree of attention in the future.

Capital: Herr Dohmke, he has had the time to help one of the first AI assistants: the Github Copilot. There are software engineers at the Arbeit. Who found the AI ​​programmer’s code?
THOMAS DOHMKE: Dort, the second active co-pilot, writes half the codes. Your nach Programmiersprache is more, less little. Bei manchen Sprachen wie Java is über 60 Prozent. If you have any questions, it is possible to submit questions via Chat and generate code for welding. It is no longer the case that there is a party, but the Code of AI or vom Menschen has arrived.

What is the quality of the intelligent intelligence in the quality?
Another study with Accenture and Microsoft is underway. If you make it clear that the programmer is faster and more productive with AI. In an autumn study war that the Gruppe with Copilot 55 Prozent schneller at the Lösung has started as the Gruppe, it is a try hat. Once you know that the code generated by the copilot was fragmented faster, there was poor quality. While clearing the data, the Entwickler becomes better in the way it can work and be more “in the flow”.

Was it passionate about robbing the programmers when the AI ​​could give him half the work?
The power of the programmers is a fact, but the time of code efficiency can be useful. Entwickler has also used other devices such as the use of Security Lücken and software testing. Bringing in the co-pilot couldn’t have greater potential.

Another person is no longer programming programs. Who thinks about ethical ideas?
I am completely sorry for the commotion of the software developers. So if I think the software development itself always works. As if in 1989, neither the man nor Diskettes were approved by the country. Dann comb the internet and the cloud. With smart intelligence you can take the next step in the evolutionary chain. There are many companies that have a problem, but the software can no longer be used and no hints are given. Think about the development of the German car industry. Using a huge amount of money is a huge job. If you are unsure, you can optimize yourself.

This has been happening in Ostberlin since the 1980s. Who wants to program your own?
In meiner Schule in Marzahn you are in the geography of the Robotron computer in the Schrank, while you have brought the Basics yourself beige. As the Wende comb, I have found my real computer: a Commodore 64 for a 600 D-Mark. Dazu gab es Bücher und Fachmagazine. Mittwoch’s war on Freizeitforum is under the Computer Club – and so the program itself has been brought to beige.

Would you like to learn programming?
Yes, I’m quite heute noch. If all goes well, the child in the first class of information information is interested in Mathe and Deutsch.

Weshalb? Your AI workstation can use the code, but it can only be written quickly.
It is one of the best things for your human, whose software functions and who the human is. Computer is an absolute highlight in our lives; Most people have used their money like a Pen. This is what I said: Your child can learn to program. My children have become co-pilots themselves, with their own pictures or small play equipment. I am a group that can learn programs.

They talk about a democratization of programs. Would you like to know if you are in the Nutzerzahlen of Github?
If a Microsoft quarterly release was published during the Schweige period, it may not contain any events. (Editorial note: Microsoft bought Github for around 7.5 billion in 2018. American dollar purchased.) Wir brands are definitive the feedback from Benutzern – from Kindern, Studenten, Produktionsarbeitern, who their software programs.

Welche Fähigkeiten brauchen Programmer of the next generation?
If you are one of the programmers, there is a versatile database, with an AI Assistant and an uninterrupted Wahrscheinlichkeit algorithm that functions. Another example is the so-called “Prompt Crafting”: Who writes in the Prompt, one of the options you get when you are brauche? Other engineers or ‘System Thinking’, who can help among the 100,000 to find the right solution, zum Beispiel: Which database is used if I am the best?

Do you see a problem if you want to use the copilot with the autopilot? Kommt is irgendwann ohne the Menschen aus?
If any of the punks have been around for a while, this is the best choice you can make. There are many program pilots who can use a platform for all constructions. If you enlist the help of the co-pilot, it can be carried out. This Bausteine ​​​​got bigger. In most cases the co-pilot is a junior pilot, the senior pilot and the signalman are busy checking the engine. The people and the pilots were confronted with a long time role-playing game.

The KI-Welt has written an essay by Anthropic-Chef for Wirbel, which has produced a “mighty AI” at the intellectual level of the Nobel Prize for the 2026 prize. Did you think Sie darüber?
The fact is that Zahlen does this. I think this happened 20 years ago at car parks, and if someone drives a Mercedes car, they park the car themselves. Man can be maximum, if he or she wants to do something else, then it is passive. Since Github was able to figure out a lot of the time, I couldn’t post any more information on the question a few years later.