
Schließung für Krankenhaus in Neuhaus beantragt

Schließung für Krankenhaus in Neuhaus beantragt

Neuhaus/Rennweg. The Krankenhaus in Neuhaus am Rennweg (Kreis Sonneberg) comes with a signal from the public to the Aus. When the financial sector goes bankrupt, the insolvent Thuringian-Bayerische Klinikgruppe in the region has established the Schließung of the small Klinik organization, which has spread a Ministry of Health at the lowest level. It is best to read a message about the broadcast “Freies Wort”. A divorce is not possible. Bislang liege noch kein Konzept des Antragstellers für die Zukunft des Standorts vor.

The first Regiomed-Kliniken in Neuhaus and Sonneberg were launched by Landkreis Sonneberg on November 1. In the autumn of the unwirtschaftlichen Klinik in Neuhaus with 60 Betten sieht sich der Landkreis offensichtlich nicht in der Lage, the structure Defizit zu Slowen. The Country praised the Ministeriumsprecherin de Umwandlung des Standorts in Neuhaus with a “sektorenübergreifenden Versorger” – also an Art Poliklinik with teilweise stationärem Angebot. The institutions for the treatment of the disease with the Klinikreform des Bundes were first abolished.

Bemühungen um Wandel ausgebremst

The KV, the bishige Träger and the Krankenkassen suffer from the Verleidingenheit, the Klinikstandort for outpatient medical care for walking – where you can get your own care from the Health Ministry in a year. In perspective how the KV can choose all paths through their own personal mangles, an alternative to a sector-wide business model – also a combination of ambulatory and stationary care – has been created.

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In addition, the Landesärztekammer has plenty of facilities, in regional offices of the city centres, which are networked ambulant-stationary health centers for the health care organization, etc. in Neuhaus am Rennweg, Bad Frankenhausen, Pößneck or Schleiz. You cannot use outpatient care at small stations 20 to 20 years apart for treatment while more research is done. While the treatment is being carried out, patients are provided with their livelihood. (dpa)