
Rohölvorräte steigen überraschend deutlich Von dpa-AFX

Rohölvorräte steigen überraschend deutlich Von dpa-AFX

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) – US oil reserves have come into use. The best letters on offer are 5.5 million on 426.0 million barrels (your 159 liters), at the US Energy Ministry in the Mittwoch in Washington. Analysts have rated a total of 1.0 Million Barrel with an analysis.

The best gasoline is 0.9 million at 213.6 million barrels. Die Vorräte an Distillaten (, Diesel) gaben hingen 1.1 Millionen auf 113.8 Millionen Barrel nach. The Tägliche oil production is delivered at 13.5 Millionen Barrel.

The data in the overview:


Aktuell Vorwoche

Rohöllagerbestände 426.0 420.6

Gasoline bearing 213.6 212.7

Distillate resistant 113.8 115.0°

(in Mio barrel)

Tip: Abweichungen roads Rundungen possible.